State of Missouri Archives: on Budget & Economy

Vicky Hartzler: Co-sponsored Balanced Budget Amendment, Line-Item Veto

As a strong fiscal conservative, Vicky cosponsored the Balanced Budget Amendment and the Line-Item Veto because she believes the federal government should have to live within its means like Missouri families. She has led the fight to protect American jobs by working to expand markets for American products, including Missouri agricultural products, and has worked to expand broadband in rural and underserved communities.
Source: 2021 Missouri Senate campaign website Jul 9, 2021

Lucas Kunce: We can create a Marshall Plan for the Midwest

Together, we can stop printing money for Wall Street and start funding our schools. We can create a Marshall Plan for the Midwest to rebuild our forgotten towns and cities. We can fix our roads. We can make our communities safer and our homes and businesses more energy-efficient. We can address racial inequity by demanding an agenda that puts working people first, and that stops the Washington special interests from calling the shots.
Source: 2021 Missouri Senate campaign website Mar 10, 2021

Scott Sifton: Economic growth requires investments in infrastructure

Asked what he would focus on during his campaign, Sifton said: "Ending this pandemic and healing the economic damage to families has to be our top priority. But it has to be done with an eye toward long-term inclusive economic growth. "That means harnessing jobs and opportunity and making investments in infrastructure," he said. "It's also important that we protect Social Security and Medicare and address climate change."
Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch on 2022 Missouri Senate race Feb 8, 2021

Lucas Kunce: Abandon the notion that the market is an untouchable force

Abandon the religion of market mysticism. Market mysticism is the idea that "the market," short for the sum of all commercial interactions, is a sacred, natural, and untouchable force. The idea espoused, disingenuously, by the Chinese Communist spokesman that humankind can never govern the market, because it is already perfectly ruled by magical laws like self-interest. On the contrary, the Chinese Communist Party has proved brilliant at governing the market in China's national interest.
Source: The American Prospect on 2022 Missouri Senate race Dec 9, 2020

Lucas Kunce: Acknowledge policy role in market successes

We need to acknowledge that industries, intellectual property, and universities are assets created by national policies and resources, and that they can be answerable to society. Many of the great inventions and products we enjoy are the product of direct market interventions. Sometimes through carrots like government funding and incentives, and sometimes through sticks like antitrust actions that crushed monopolies and allowed new businesses and innovations to sprout from garages and flourish.
Source: The American Prospect on 2022 Missouri Senate race Dec 9, 2020

Nicole Galloway: As auditor uncovered $350 million in waste

As Missouri's State Auditor, I've been the taxpayers independent watchdog. I have uncovered $350 million in wasted or stolen taxpayer money--and my audits led to 40 criminal counts against corrupt public officials. Just imagine if all of that money went to making health care more affordable or public schools stronger.
Source: 2020 Missouri Governor campaign website Jan 21, 2020

Mike Parson: Supports economic growth with accountability on taxes

Mike has worked hard to pursue policies that will help promote economic growth and protect Missouri taxpayers. He led the way on the Right to Farm effort, helping to protect Missouri's number one industry--agriculture-- from out-of-state interest groups. He also supported 2014's landmark tax cut legislation, the first across-the-board tax cut in nine decades.
Source: 2018 Missouri Gubernatorial campaign website Sep 18, 2018

Josh Hawley: Reduced budget via staff reduction and exposing fraud

Hawley is requesting a $25.3 million budget, which is a reduction of about $100,000. He tells the House Budget Committee he wants to eliminate two full-time employees. "So I'm proposing to eliminate FTE's (full-time employees) from the executive administrative staff, not lawyers, but from the administrative staff one IT (information technology) line and one executive assistant," says Hawley. Hawley also testifies his office has recovered a record $24 million in Medicaid fraud in 2017.
Source: MissouriNet on 2018 Missouri Senate race Jan 30, 2018

Austin Petersen: Favors balanced budget amendment

Our massive debt is harmful to the economy. It hampers job creation and economic growth, and it forces the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates at near zero. It also forces the government to spend about $250 billion a year of taxpayer money on debt interest alone--money that could go back into the economy, allowing the private sector to create jobs and innovate. We need a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
Source: 2018 Missouri Senatorial website Dec 1, 2017

Jason Kander: Supports federal spending to promote economic growth

Q: On Economy: Support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?

Blunt: No

Kander: Yes

Q: On Financial Regulation: Support the Dodd-Frank Act, which established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and increases regulation of Wall Street corporations and financial institutions?

Blunt: No

Kander: Yes

Q: On Taxes: Increase taxes on corporations and/or high-income individuals to pay for public services?

Blunt: No. Signed Americans for Tax Reform Pledge to oppose "any and all" tax increases to raise revenue.

Kander: Unclear. As legislator, focused on balancing budget without raising taxes.

Source: CampusElect Voter Guide to 2016 Missouri Senate race Oct 9, 2016

Chris Koster: Invest $2 billion and create up to 40,000 new jobs.

Q: What would you do to increase economic and job growth?

Chris Koster: We need to continue to maintain a small and efficient government with a business-friendly regulatory environment and AAA credit rating. Prioritizing workforce training programs and fully funding education will grow our economy. Finally, expanding health care will allow Missouri to invest nearly $2 billion in federal dollars annually and create up to 40,000 new jobs.

Source: LWV's on 2016 Missouri Gubernatorial Race Sep 19, 2016

Roy Blunt: Weak economy has left far too many Missourians behind

Q: What would you do to support economic and job growth?

Roy Blunt: Families are tired of struggling with stagnant wages, a broken health care system and a weak economy that has left far too many Missourians behind. Expanding American energy, making college more affordable, increasing manufacturing, cutting red tape and enhancing infrastructure will create better jobs and more opportunities for hard-working Missouri families.

Source: LWV's on 2016 Missouri Senate Race Sep 19, 2016

Lester Turilli: Only market-led recovery leads to long-term economic growth

Q: Your comments on the statement, "Stimulus better than market-led recovery"?

A: Ultimately, only market led recovery will result in long-term economic growth.˙Stimulus is only a good short-term tool when it results in immediate job formation. Small businesses need to be given assurances and strategies for succeeding. ˙We must convince manufacturers to return to domestic production.˙ Creating free and balanced trade will help with this.

Source: Email interview on 2016 Missouri candidacy by OnTheIssues Apr 25, 2016

Peter Kinder: Make Missouri competitive again, by cutting spending

Peter is running for Governor with a common sense agenda to unify our state and grow liberty and opportunity. We must make Missouri competitive again so that people want to move here, stay here, and create jobs. That is what Governor Peter Kinder intends to do.

WHAT PETER WILL DO, IF ELECTED: Enhance Missouri's Economic Standing. Creating a job friendly environment through Right to Work and comprehensive tax reform is the ONLY way for government to grow jobs. Using the models of Texas, Florida and Wisconsin, Missouri will become a contender.

Clean Up Government. Through comprehensive ethics reform we can create greater transparency and accountability in our state and its government. Peter has a history of cutting spending and returning unused budgets, this mentality will extend to every facet of government.

Source: 2016 Missouri Gubernatorial campaign website Dec 10, 2015

Eric Greitens: Government over-regulates, over-spends, & over-reaches

WE DESERVE EXCELLENT GOVERNMENT. When government over-regulates, over taxes, over spends, overreaches--it hurts our businesses, damages our hospitals, injures our middle class, and holds back those struggling to make it into the middle class. It makes life difficult for our teachers, and it threatens our freedom and our prosperity. We must eliminate burdensome regulations that are destroying jobs right here at home.
Source: 2016 Missouri Governor campaign website Oct 9, 2015

Jay Nixon: Missouri has earned its triple-A credit rating

The national recession hit Missouri hard. But after losing jobs back in 2008 and 2009, we turned the corner in 2010, and are poised for job growth this year. We will continue to be aggressive and relentless, fighting every day for every job. And we'll continue to be aggressive and relentless in making government smarter and more efficient.

We've kept our fiscal house in order with prudent financial controls, rigorous cost reductions, and smarter, more efficient government. That's earned Missouri a Triple-A credit rating--the best you can get--from all three rating agencies. We're one of the few states in the nation that can make that claim. It's a big vote of confidence in our state, and saves taxpayers millions of dollars a year in interest. Compare that to what's going on in other states. Texas has a $15 billion deficit; Kansas; and Illinois just raised personal and corporate income taxes. Now look at our state. Fiscal responsibility is a value we share here in the Show-Me State.

Source: 2011 Missouri State of the State Address Jan 19, 2011

Robin Carnahan: 2008 bank bailout helped Wall Street, not ordinary people

Carnahan criticized Blunt for his role in a 2008 bill bailing out troubled financial institutions, suggesting that it demonstrated a willingness to help Wall Street more than ordinary people. "Congressman Blunt time and again is on the side of Wall Street. He can figure out every rationale to give bailouts to Wall Street, he can say that it was great that it helped our economy--he's said it over and over again," Carnahan said. "But as I travel around our state, it hasn't helped. It hasn't delivered as promised."

Blunt defended the financial legislation, noting that much of the money already has been repaid. He contrasted the bailout with the 2009 federal stimulus package, which Blunt described as a "huge mistake" and a "huge waste of money." Blunt said the stimulus is not helping the economy. "It didn't have the impact on the economy that the president promised, and we should have known from day one that it wouldn't have," Blunt said.

Source: Associated Press coverage of 2010 Missouri Senate debate Oct 15, 2010

Robin Carnahan: 2008 bank bailout helped Wall Street, not ordinary people

Carnahan criticized Blunt for his role in a 2008 bill bailing out troubled financial institutions, suggesting that it demonstrated a willingness to help Wall Street more than ordinary people. "Congressman Blunt time and again is on the side of Wall Street. He can figure out every rationale to give bailouts to Wall Street, he can say that it was great that it helped our economy--he's said it over and over again," Carnahan said. "But as I travel around our state, it hasn't helped.
Source: Kansas City Star coverage of 2010 Missouri Senate debate Oct 15, 2010

Roy Blunt: Bailout ok; stimulus package a huge mistake

Carnahan criticized Blunt for his role in a 2008 bill bailing out troubled financial institutions, suggesting that it demonstrated a willingness to help Wall Street more than ordinary people. "Congressman Blunt time and again is on the side of Wall Street. He can figure out every rationale to give bailouts to Wall Street, he can say that it was great that it helped our economy--he's said it over and over again," Carnahan said. "But as I travel around our state, it hasn't helped. It hasn't delivered as promised."

Blunt defended the financial legislation, noting that much of the money already has been repaid. He contrasted the bailout with the 2009 federal stimulus package, which Blunt described as a "huge mistake" and a "huge waste of money." Blunt said the stimulus is not helping the economy. "It didn't have the impact on the economy that the president promised, and we should have known from day one that it wouldn't have," Blunt said.

Source: Associated Press coverage of 2010 Missouri Senate debate Oct 15, 2010

Roy Blunt: Bailout ok; stimulus package a huge mistake

Carnahan criticized Blunt for his role in a 2008 bill bailing out troubled financial institutions, suggesting that it demonstrated a willingness to help Wall Street more than ordinary people. "Congressman Blunt time and again is on the side of Wall Street. He can figure out every rationale to give bailouts to Wall Street, he can say that it was great that it helped our economy--he's said it over and over again," Carnahan said. "But as I travel around our state, it hasn't helped.
Source: Kansas City Star coverage of 2010 Missouri Senate debate Oct 15, 2010

Robin Carnahan: TARP financial bailout let banks run wild

"I've been in Jefferson City while Congressman Blunt has been in Washington," she said. "To me, if you put somebody in charge of something for 14 years and they don't get the job done, you fire that person."

Carnahan took some positions to Blunt's right: Promising to ban spending earmarks, for example, and criticizing the financial bailout known as TARP. "Congressman, you were there to let these banks run wild," Carnahan said. "You were there to bail them out with $700 billion of our money."

Recent reports estimate the actual cost of the TARP program at much less than that, Blunt pointed out, adding the bipartisan program prevented financial calamity. "It was a plan that worked," he said. "Hopefully, we'll never get in that situation again."

Source: Kansas City Star coverage of 2010 Missouri Senate debate Oct 14, 2010

Roy Blunt: TARP was a plan that worked

"I've been in Jefferson City while Congressman Blunt has been in Washington," she said. "To me, if you put somebody in charge of something for 14 years and they don't get the job done, you fire that person."

Carnahan took some positions to Blunt's right: Promising to ban spending earmarks, for example, and criticizing the financial bailout known as TARP. "Congressman, you were there to let these banks run wild," Carnahan said. "You were there to bail them out with $700 billion of our money."

Recent reports estimate the actual cost of the TARP program at much less than that, Blunt pointed out, adding the bipartisan program prevented financial calamity. "It was a plan that worked," he said. "Hopefully, we'll never get in that situation again."

Source: Kansas City Star coverage of 2010 Missouri Senate debate Oct 14, 2010

Bob Holden: Missouri is and should be fiscally conservative

Missouri remains a low tax, efficiently run state, according to all prominent national rankings. Missouri ranks 40th in the nation in per capita tax burden and 47th in state government expenditures per capita. We are a fiscally conservative state and will remain so during my administration. We’re only one of a few states that have maintained our Triple-A bond rating from the major rating agencies. More Missourians are working than ever before. Personal income is up.
Source: 2001 State of the State speech in Missouri House Chambers Jan 30, 2001

  • The above quotations are from State of Missouri Politicians: Archives.
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2020 Presidential contenders on Budget & Economy:
  Democrats running for President:
Sen.Michael Bennet (D-CO)
V.P.Joe Biden (D-DE)
Mayor Mike Bloomberg (I-NYC)
Gov.Steve Bullock (D-MT)
Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN)
Sen.Cory Booker (D-NJ)
Secy.Julian Castro (D-TX)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee (L-RI)
Rep.John Delaney (D-MD)
Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)
Sen.Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)
Gov.Deval Patrick (D-MA)
Sen.Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
CEO Tom Steyer (D-CA)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
CEO Andrew Yang (D-NY)

2020 Third Party Candidates:
Rep.Justin Amash (L-MI)
CEO Don Blankenship (C-WV)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee (L-RI)
Howie Hawkins (G-NY)
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Howard Schultz(I-WA)
Gov.Jesse Ventura (I-MN)
Republicans running for President:
Sen.Ted Cruz(R-TX)
Gov.Larry Hogan (R-MD)
Gov.John Kasich(R-OH)
V.P.Mike Pence(R-IN)
Gov.Mark Sanford (R-SC)
Pres.Donald Trump(R-NY)
Rep.Joe Walsh (R-IL)
Gov.Bill Weld(R-MA & L-NY)

2020 Withdrawn Democratic Candidates:
Sen.Stacey Abrams (D-GA)
Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-NYC)
Sen.Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Sen.Mike Gravel (D-AK)
Sen.Kamala Harris (D-CA)
Gov.John Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Gov.Jay Inslee (D-WA)
Mayor Wayne Messam (D-FL)
Rep.Seth Moulton (D-MA)
Rep.Beto O`Rourke (D-TX)
Rep.Tim Ryan (D-CA)
Adm.Joe Sestak (D-PA)
Rep.Eric Swalwell (D-CA)
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Page last updated: Oct 13, 2021