Linda McMahon on Energy & Oil
Cap-and-trade is an energy tax
On energy policy, McMahon labeled her Democratic opponent a supporter of the cap-and-trade policy, which she described as an energy tax that will re-emerge under the Obama administration.
Blumenthal said he supported cap-and-trade in concept, but he rejected labeling it an energy tax. He called cap-and-trade legislation dead and said tax incentives should be directed toward fuel-cell and other clean-energy technologies.
Source: Wilton Villager coverage of 2010 CT Senate debate
, Oct 7, 2010
More nuclear power; more domestic oil
Increase nuclear power: The federal government should allow the industry to operate under free market principles and establish predictable, effective regulation that will ensure safety and security. Increase domestic energy exploration:
Offshore exploration creates jobs and increases energy supplies without cost to the taxpayer. It will create revenues for financially strapped state governments and increase revenues for federal governments. Increase Alaskan exploration and production.
Source: 2010 Senate campaign website, www.linda2010.com, "Issues"
, Sep 1, 2010
Oppose cap-and-trade; support offshore drilling
I oppose cap-and-trade because it will increase energy costs and Connecticut already pays the highest electricity rates in the continental US. I support efforts to develop and expand alternatives and renewable forms of energy including solar, wind,
hydro, nuclear & natural gas. Dependence on foreign oil supplies is unsustainable in the long-term. I support environmentally responsible domestic oil exploration offshore, but I believe states should decide whether to allow drilling in their waters.
Source: 2010 Senate campaign website, linda2010.com, "Issues"
, Jul 20, 2010
Page last updated: Oct 11, 2020