Socialized medicine is a violation of individual rights
Consider the outcome of the Canadian doctors' struggle in Saskatchewan.
The doctors had gone on strike (1962); they had been fighting properly in the name of individual rights, against the enslavement of medicine by totalitarian statist controls.
Source: The Voice of Reason, by Ayn Rand, ch.29, p.286
, Jun 30, 1990
Imposing Medicare regiments and destroys medical science
Writing in the January 1963 edition of the Objectivist Newsletter, Rand derided 'humanitarian' projects that, as she saw it, we're to be "imposed
by political means--that is,,by force--on an unlimited number of human beings. 'Medicare' is an example of such a project,"
she said. ' 'Isn't ˙it desirable that the aged should have medical care in times of illness?' Its advocates clamor. [That] hides such facts as the enslavement and,
therefore, the destruction of medical science, the regimentation and disintegration of all medical practice."