Bill Bradley on Abortion
2000 Democratic Primary Challenger for President
Consistency on issues of principle matters
BRADLEY [to Gore]: Is consistency on fundamental issues of principle relevant? I think they are. In Congress you had an 84% right-to-life voting record. This is an issue that requires somebody to know where they stand.
I respect people who have a
different view than I do. I respect your position that you had. People can evolve. But you campaign shouldn’t go around saying that you’ve always been for a woman’s right to choose because the record shows you have not. GORE: We basically agree, we
have exactly the same position. So if you want to manufacturer a distinction, O.K. I favor woman’s right to choose regardless of the woman’s income. I have always supported a woman’s right to choose. And I support it today.
BRADLEY: Al, that’s not
true. You voted the other way.
GORE: The exceptions to the general rule that Medicaid should provide funding for abortions constituted virtually the only votes in the House of Representatives during [my years there]. And I wrestled with [those issues].
Source: (X-ref to Gore) Democrat Debate in Manchester NH
, Jan 26, 2000
Resist clinic bombings with full force of government
When terrorism occurs-such as the bombing of clinics or the shooting of doctors-it must be resisted with the full force of the federal government. Terrorism should never endanger the right to choose.
Source: www.billbradley.com/ “Woman’s Right to Choose” 5/19/99
, May 19, 1999
Protect privacy of decision between woman and doctor
I am strongly pro-choice. I believe that the decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy is a private one between a woman and her doctor, and we must protect that privacy.
Source: www.billbradley.com/ “Woman’s Right to Choose” 5/19/99
, May 19, 1999
Protect the reproductive rights of women.
Bradley co-sponsored protecting the reproductive rights of women
- Provides that a State may not restrict the right of a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy:
- before fetal viability; or
- at any time, if such termination is necessary to protect the life or health of the woman.
- Allows a State to impose requirements medically necessary to protect the life or health of such women.
- Declares that this Act shall not be construed to prevent a State from:
- requiring minors to involve responsible adults before terminating a pregnancy; and
- protecting individuals from having to participate in abortions to which they are conscientiously opposed.
Source: Freedom of Choice Act (H.R.25) 1993-H25 on Jan 5, 1993
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