Wisconsin spends too much on prisons. When a Wisconsin Public Television journalist pointed out to Ed that his brother built most of the new prisons, Ed pointedly replied, "I don't care who built them, it's wrong!"
Source: Campaign web site, EdThompson.com, "Issues"
Jun 6, 2002
Mandatory minimum sentencing are just plain stupid
With mandatory minimum sentencing madness, rapists, murderers and thieves are going free with less time served [while] half the people crowding prisons are there for nonviolent drug offenses: people who didn't hurt anybody else.
Ed believes this is just plain stupid and that prisons are for people who would do harm to you and the people you love, or who would take from you and your family those things you've worked so hard to earn.
Source: Campaign web site, EdThompson.com, "Issues"
Jun 6, 2002