Eliot Spitzer on Tax Reform
Former Democrat
Dramatically reduce property taxes to help homeowners
We must reduce our cost structure is to dramatically reduce property taxes. Because of the different needs of our state, as we provide more resources to school districts, we must provide more property tax relief to over-taxed homeowners. I will
submit a budget that includes the first installment of a three-year, $6 billion property tax cut - cuts that are focused on those middle class homeowners whose property taxes are rising too fast for their incomes to catch up.
Source: 2004 State of the State Address
, Jan 3, 2007
$1.5 billion in immediate property tax relief
Our property tax relief plan is aimed at middle class New Yorkers whose property taxes are rising too fast for their incomes to keep up.
It is a meaningful, fair and fiscally responsible plan that calls for $1.5 billion in immediate property tax relief next year, $2 billion in 2008 and $2.5 billion in 2009.
Source: Campaign website, www.spitzerpaterson.com, “Issues”
, Nov 7, 2006
$12B in federal economic stimulus as state block grants.
Spitzer signed $12B in federal economic stimulus as state block grants
The nation's governors urge you to include state countercyclical funding as part of your legislation to stimulate the economy. This would include $6 billion in Medicaid assistance by freezing scheduled federal FMAP reductions and increasing all states' F
Congress approved $20 billion in assistance to states, including $10 billion in Medicaid and $10 billion in block grants. The governors' current stimulus proposal is essentially the same, with the exception that it is a total of $12 billion as opposed to $20 billion. This proposal can be enacted quickly, as there is precedent and it is timely, temporary and targeted.
Additionally, governors appreciate federal efforts to use tax policy to get additional money into the hands of consumers and businesses to stimulate the economy. When considering tax changes to spur economic growth, governors urge Congress and the Administration to follow the maxim of "Do no harm" by avoiding changes at the federal level that would diminish state tax revenues or force state actions that would undermine the effectiveness of federal efforts.
We look forward to working with you to enact the appropriate stimulus program.
Source: Letter from 37 governors to House & Senate Leadership NGA-0801TX on Jan 28, 2008
Page last updated: Nov 21, 2011