This budget provides for increasing the use of community sentencing in drug courts to assure that costly prison cells are used for the most dangerous and violent offenders. We are admitting to our system non-violent, non-chronic drug offenders who need
to be in community sentencing, where they are punished at the community level inexpensively. We should not use scarce tax dollars for that purpose. First time drug offenders need to be clean and sober and community sentencing is the means.
Source: State of the State address to Oklahoma legislature
Feb 5, 2001
More federal funding for all aspects of Drug War.
Keating adopted the National Governors Association policy:
To reduce the presence of illegal drugs, drug-related organized crime, and the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse in society requires a comprehensive strategy involving federal, state, and local governments. The Governors believe that one of the most severe public health threats is the recent rise in substance abuse among children.
The Federal Role The profits from illicit drug trafficking can be effectively used to help state efforts to dry up the demand for these drugs. The nation’s Governors urge the President and Congress to fully fund drug and alcohol abuse education, drug courts, treatment, prevention, and law enforcement efforts, including the initiative to combat and clean up methamphetamine production laboratories, at the state and local levels of government.
Intensified Eradication and Interdiction Federal funding for use of the National Guard in drug and border enforcement deserves continued support. The Governors urge
the President and Congress to utilize the role of U.S. military forces in interdiction efforts.
High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program. The HIDTA program provides additional federal funds to those areas to help federal, state, and local law enforcement organizations invest in infrastructure and joint initiatives to dismantle drug trafficking organizations. Governors support the HIDTA initiative and urge Congress to continue supporting the program.
The Federal Role in Reducing International Drug Trafficking. The nation’s Governors urge the Administration and Congress to significantly tighten procedures for certifying foreign countries for eligibility to receive U.S. aid based on their cooperation with U.S. surveillance, interdiction, and eradication efforts.
Drug Legalization The nation’s Governors believe illicit drug legalization is not a viable alternative, either as a philosophy or as a practical reality.
Source: NGA policy HR-13: Combating and Controlling Substance Abuse 00-NGA2 on Aug 15, 2000