Rocky Anderson on Social SecurityJustice Party challenger for President; former mayor of Salt Lake City | |
STEIN: We can fix this. We simply need to raise the cap on Social Security. It will be perfectly solvent when the rich are paying their fair share.
ANDERSON: The Social Security payroll tax is as regressive a tax known to mankind, because if you make one $110,000, you don't pay anything on the income over that amount. Everybody pays the same thing up to that point. We need to lift the cap. You could reduce the percentage that workers pay. You could bring it down to 4% so that the middle class and the working poor come out ahead. You lift the cap, and then you also have those who make their money through investments pay their fair share as well. There's no reason why working people are paying toward social security and those who are living off their investments get away, once again, without paying their fair share.
A: Strongly Oppose