Tom McClintock on Government Reform
2004 former Republican Challenger CA Governor
Duplicative bureaucracies must be weeded out
I've introduced a Bureaucracy Reduction and Closure Commission, so that we can begin weeding out these duplicative bureaucracies and provide that businesses don't have to needlessly respond to multiple agencies every time they want to do something.
Source: Recall Debate, Cal. State Univ. at Sacramento
Sep 24, 2003
Tort reform: no punitive damages except in criminal cases
[Regarding] litigation, we have got to overhaul the tort system in this state, one of the major initiatives that I will be introducing will be a general measure to restore our civil courts to the simple process of compensating victims of
torts and move all of the punitive damages into the criminal courts where they belong, or at least apply a criminal justice standard order to them.
Source: Recall Debate, Cal. State Univ. at Sacramento
Sep 24, 2003
Local governments need to have more authority
Senator Wilson raided the local property tax funds, I was one of the very few members of the state legislature who stood up and tried to stop him. This is a cause near and dear to my heart.
It seems to me that the biggest problem that we've had with local government is this blurring of revenues and authority. Sacramento has not only raided their money. It's also usurped their authority.
The state worked a lot better when local governments could use local revenues and apply those for local purposes. They've got to have a dedicated stream of revenues restored to them, and then they've got to have the full authority restored to them
to use those revenues as they best see fit. Mandated state costs on local governments have got to stop. If the state government wants to mandate programs for local governments, the state government can bloody well pay for them.
Source: Recall Debate, Cal. State Univ. at Sacramento
Sep 24, 2003
Privatize services & replace state job with private jobs
Q: When you say that you would give Californians the option to find services elsewhere, you are talking about privatizing some government services?
McCLINTOCK: Right. Contracting out services, that the private sector can provide more efficiently, cheaply than the state's bureaucracy.
Q: Does that mean laying off state workers?
McCLINTOCK: Yes, it does. We've added 44,000 new state workers to the public state personnel roles in the last four years. We cannot sustain those kinds of expenses.
We have now a record level of state public employment at the same time we've lost nearly a third of a million private sector jobs in 2.5 years. The public sector cannot continue to grow at the expense of the private sector.
Source: Recall debate in Walnut Creek
Sep 3, 2003
If rights come from man, then they may be revoked
If the source of our fundamental rights is not God, then the source becomes man - or more precisely, a government of men. And rights that can be extended by government may also be withdrawn by government.
Source: State Senate website, www.sen.ca.gov, "Issues Directory"
Jul 3, 2002