Global opportunity: Get WI products out to the world
The state's facing a fundamentally changed marketplace to which we have to respond. Like Wisconsin companies, our competition isn't just next door but also across the world. As a result, we must transform our government and business environment to compet
globally. With global competition also comes global opportunity. For instance, 96% of the world's population live and consume products outside of the US. Wisconsin businesses who want to grow, expand and create new, good-paying jobs need to be able to
get their products out to the world in a cost-effective manner. That means a strong transportation network in Wisconsin; re-prioritizing our transportation investments. I challenged the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to look at new ways to
reconstruct our state's busiest interchange--the Zoo Interchange--which is used by 350,000 people a day. Our transportation leaders met the challenge and developed a plan that will start the project ahead of schedule and save the taxpayer's $600 million.