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David Flynn on Fiscal Responsibility

This Scorecard reflects votes from the 2003-2004 legislative session. Click here for the 2005-2006 Scorecard.

Vote selection and interpretation by representatives of Mass Scorecard without approval or participation from the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

Voted NO on Borrow $300 million to offset the budget deficit via bonds.
Platform indicates voting NO in Part V: Fiscal Responsibility:Tax Fairness and Responsible Budgeting.

The state shall issue and sell bonds of the Commonwealth in an amount [up to] $300,000,000. All such bonds shall be payable not later than June 30, 2010. All interest and payments on account of principal on such obligation bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be special obligations of the Commonwealth. [Establishes a 7-year bond program to borrow money to pay off the budget deficit].

Relevant platform section: PART V: FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, TAX EQUITY, & PUBLIC STEWARDSHIP: Tax Fairness and Responsible Budgeting: "Budgets should be fiscally responsible and balanced without gimmicks."

Bill Amendment to MGL 29 ; vote number MA03-H062 on Apr 30, 2003

Voted NO on Raising the income tax to 5.95% to offset the budget deficit.
Platform indicates voting YES in Part V: Fiscal Responsibility:Tax Fairness and Responsible Budgeting.

Taxable income shall be taxed at the rate of 5.95 per cent for tax years beginning in 2003, for Part B income [restore tax rate].

Relevant platform section: PART V: FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, TAX EQUITY, & PUBLIC STEWARDSHIP: Tax Fairness and Responsible Budgeting: "We believe that taxes should be fair and based on ability to pay, and that budgets should be fiscally responsible and balanced without gimmicks."

Bill Section 470 ; vote number MA03-H064 on Apr 30, 2003

Accord with the Democratic Party Platform is determined by representatives of Mass Scorecard and has no approval by nor association with the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

Other Mass Reps from Plymouth County on Fiscal Responsibility:      David Flynn on other issues:
Garrett Bradley
Christine Canavan
Geraldine Creedon
Viriato deMacedo
Susan Gifford
Frank Hynes
Thomas Kennedy
Robert Nyman
Thomas O`Brien
Kathleen Teahan
Daniel Webster
Part I: Families & Children
Part II: Education
Part III: Health Care
Part IV: Economic Growth
Part V: Fiscal Responsibility
Part VI: Safety & Justice
Part VII: Housing
Part VIII: Environment
Part IX: Political Reform
Part X: Worker Rights
Part XI: America & the World

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