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Marie Parente on Economic Growth

This Scorecard reflects votes from the 2003-2004 legislative session. Click here for the 2005-2006 Scorecard.

Vote selection and interpretation by representatives of Mass Scorecard without approval or participation from the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

Voted NO on allowing parents on welfare to go back to school.
Platform indicates voting YES in Part IV: Economic Growth:Supporting the Transition from Welfare to Work.

Override Gov. Romney's veto of a program to allow parents with young children who are on welfare to go back to school in lieu of working to meet the requirements of the federal Personal Work and Responsibility Act of 1996.

The relevant part of the MassDems Platform is PART IV: ECONOMIC GROWTH, JOBS & SECURITY: Supporting the Transition from Welfare to Work: "We seek to help welfare recipients successfully find and keep jobs. We advocate increased job training and educational opportunities, and we must ensure that support systems in child care, transportation, and health insurance are in place to enable people to work and to advance into more highly paid jobs... We recognize that for some, that transition may take a lifetime."

Reference: Supporting the Transition from Welfare to Work; Bill Section 528 ; vote number MA03-H368 on Jul 16, 2003

Voted YES on funding for International Trade Council to promote exports.
Platform indicates voting YES in Part IV: Economic Growth:Competitive Advantage and a Global Economy.

Vote on veto override of Supplemental appropriations, International Trade Council: Item 7007-1300 (contained in section 2 as $1,100,000, see House, No. 4330), which had returned by the Governor with a reduction (to $500,000; for message, see House, No. 4365), was considered.

Relevant platform section:Part IV: Economic Growth: Competitive Advantage and a Global Economy: "We believe the extraordinary depth and breadth of the knowledge-based sector of the Massachusetts economy is a key competitive edge in the global market. We champion strong federal research & development funding programs, and assistance to smaller companies and startups seeking to commercialize promising technology. We encourage open global trade that promotes fair employment and sound environmental standards by our trading partners. We support state and federal efforts to promote Massachusetts exports."

Bill Veto Override, Item 7007-1300 ; vote number MA04-H495 on Jan 14, 2004

Voted YES on investing in emerging technologies, math & science Fund.
Platform indicates voting YES in Part IV: Economic Growth:Workforce Training.

Vote on overriding the governor's veto of the following section: (Section 70): contained in the engrossed Bill relative to investments in emerging technologies to promote job creation, economic stability and competitiveness in the Massachusetts economy.

Relevant platform section:Part IV: Economic Growth: Workforce Training: "We are aware that one out of three workers in this state need additional skills to maintain their employment in today’s changing economy.... In the face of a global economy and advanced technology, workers need ongoing skill development and job training. We support increased public and private funding for business and labor to address the Massachusetts skills gap."

Bill Veto Override, sec.70 ; vote number MA04-H481 on Jan 13, 2004

Voted YES on Requiring workfare for mothers of 2- to 6-year-olds.
Platform indicates voting NO in Part IV: Economic Growth:Supporting the Transition from Welfare to Work.

[Welfare] recipients not qualifying as exempt, and whose child of record is under the age at which full-time school attendance is mandatory, may meet [only] 10 hours of the work requirement through education and training programs.

Relevant platform section: PART IV: ECONOMIC GROWTH, JOBS & SECURITY: Supporting the Transition from Welfare to Work: "We are committed to ensuring a safety net to members of our families in times of need. We recognize that for some, that transition may take a lifetime."

Bill Section 487 ; vote number MA03-H080 on May 5, 2003

Voted YES on Defeating corporate tax disclosure.
Platform indicates voting NO in Part IV: Economic Growth:A Healthy Business Environment.

Would study corporate tax disclosure, defeating measure to implement it. The vote is to amend Section 470 of the FY04 budget (New Section 457a) to establish a special commission on taxation, consisting of 5 Democrats and 2 Republicans. The Commission will make its recommendations in January 2004 [hence postponing the disclosure rule until the next fiscal year].

Relevant section of platform:PART IV: ECONOMIC GROWTH, JOBS & SECURITY: A Healthy Business Environment: "We support monitoring the costs of doing business in the Commonwealth, so that companies can grow and compete while still meeting their obligations to workers and the community."

Bill H.4000 Section 470 ; vote number MA03-H069 on May 1, 2003

Voted YES on Extending corporate tax credit 5 years.
Platform indicates voting NO in Part IV: Economic Growth:A Healthy Business Environment.

Would extend corporate tax credit 5 years. Vote was on an amendment to the FY04 Budget, Outside Section 165, changing the limit on corporate tax credits from 14 years to 19 years. The corporate tax credit is in MGL 63-31a, which allows an excise tax credit for manufacturing companies on leased equipment.

Relevant section of platform:PART IV: ECONOMIC GROWTH, JOBS & SECURITY: A Healthy Business Environment: "We support tax incentives for business when accompanied by commitments to good corporate citizenship and enforceable terms assuring continued investment in Massachusetts."

Bill H.4000 Section 165 ; vote number MA03-H071 on May 1, 2003

Accord with the Democratic Party Platform is determined by representatives of Mass Scorecard and has no approval by nor association with the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

Other Mass Reps from Worcester County on Economic Growth:      Marie Parente on other issues:
John Binienda
Jennifer Callahan
Mark Carron
Lewis Evangelidis
John Fresolo
Paul Frost
Anne Gobi
Emile Goguen
Brian Knuuttila
Paul Kujawski
James Leary
Harold Naughton
Vincent Pedone
George Peterson
Karyn Polito
MaryJane Simmons
Robert Spellane
Part I: Families & Children
Part II: Education
Part III: Health Care
Part IV: Economic Growth
Part V: Fiscal Responsibility
Part VI: Safety & Justice
Part VII: Housing
Part VIII: Environment
Part IX: Political Reform
Part X: Worker Rights
Part XI: America & the World

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