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Patricia Walrath on Safety & Justice

This Scorecard reflects votes from the 2003-2004 legislative session. Click here for the 2005-2006 Scorecard.

Vote selection and interpretation by representatives of Mass Scorecard without approval or participation from the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

Voted YES on earmarking funds for women's substance abuse program.
Platform indicates voting YES in Part VI: Safety & Justice:Crime Prevention.

Vote on veto override of Section 88 of the FY2004 appropriations. The appropriation in House bill No. 4330 earamrks at least $99,925 for the "Latinos y Ninos" program which addresses the needs of Latino women in substance abuse recovery. The governor's veto message (No. 4365), said "I am vetoing this section because it unnecessarily earmarks the use of funds at the Department of Public Health."

Relevant platform section:Part VI: Safety & Justice: Crime Prevention: "We support increased efforts to work with troubled young people and we support the development of secure substance abuse treatment facilities for adolescents and women."

Bill Veto Override, Sec. 88 ; vote number MA04-H520 on Feb 10, 2004

Voted YES on Veto override of Mass Correctional Legal Services.
Platform indicates voting YES in Part VI: Safety & Justice:Legal Services.

Override Gov. Romney's veto of Budget Line Item 0321-2100, $500,000 for the Massachusetts Correctional Legal Services (MCLS). MCLS provides the only legal aid to indigent incarcerated individuals.

Relevant platform section: PART VI: SAFETY, JUSTICE & CRIME PREVENTION Legal Services: “We support publicly funded legal services to provide legal representation and advice on issues such as housing, employment, domestic violence, health, elder law, public benefits, and immigration. We urge full state and federal funding of such services.“

Bill Veto Override ; vote number MA03-H258 on Jul 10, 2003

Accord with the Democratic Party Platform is determined by representatives of Mass Scorecard and has no approval by nor association with the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

Other Mass Reps from Middlesex County on Safety & Justice:      Patricia Walrath on other issues:
Cory Atkins
Ruth Balser
Deborah Blumer
Paul Casey
Vincent Ciampa
Edward Connolly
Paul Donato
Carol Donovan
James Eldridge
Christopher Fallon
Michael Festa
Colleen Garry
Thomas Golden
William Greene
Geoffrey Hall
Robert Hargraves
Patricia Jehlen
Bradley Jones
Rachel Kaprielian
Jay Kaufman
Kay Khan
Peter Koutoujian
Stephen LeDuc
David Linsky
Paul Loscocco
James Marzilli
James Miceli
Kevin Murphy
Charles Murphy
David Nangle
Anne Paulsen
Susan Pope
Karen Spilka
Thomas Stanley
Timothy Toomey
Alice Wolf
Part I: Families & Children
Part II: Education
Part III: Health Care
Part IV: Economic Growth
Part V: Fiscal Responsibility
Part VI: Safety & Justice
Part VII: Housing
Part VIII: Environment
Part IX: Political Reform
Part X: Worker Rights
Part XI: America & the World

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