This page contains excerpts from government reports, signed by elected officials.
Decided Jul 22, 2004
Report: the 9/11 Commission Report
Source: The 9/11 Commission Report, p.416
Recommendation: To combat the secrecy and complexity we have described, the overall amounts of money being appropriated for national intelligence and to its component agencies should no longer be kept secret. Congress should pass a separate appropriations act for intelligence, defending the broad allocation of how these tens of billions of dollars have been assigned among the varieties of intelligence work.
The specifics of the intelligence appropriation would remain classified, as they are today. Opponents of declassification argue that America’s enemies could learn about intelligence capabilities by tracking the top-line appropriations figure. Yet the top-line figure by itself provides little insight into U.S. intelligence sources and methods. The U.S. government readily provides copious information about spending on its military forces, including military intelligence. The intelligence community should not be subject to that much disclosure. But when even aggregate categorical numbers remain hidden, it is hard to judge priorities and foster accountability.
- Topic: Government Reform
- Headline: End secrecy about national intelligence appropriations
Participating counts on AmericansElect question 9.
- Headline: End secrecy about national intelligence appropriations
(Answer: A)
- AmericansElect Quiz Question 9 on
Which of the following comes closest to your personal opinion?
- A: To make this country great, we should return to the examples and values of our forefathers
- B: This country is already great, we shouldn't change a thing
- C: To make this country great, we should keep building and adapting for the future
- Key for participation codes:
- Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
- Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
- Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
- Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
- Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.
participating in 04-911-14 |
Lee Hamilton |
s1s | Indiana Democrat (Until 2004) | |
Bob Kerrey |
s1s | NE Democratic Challenger (previously Senator) | |
Tim Roemer |
s1s | Indiana Democrat | |
participating in 04-911-14 |
Slade Gorton |
s1s | WA Republican Senator (Former) | |
Thomas Kean |
s1s | NJ Former Republican Governor (1982-1989) | |
James Thompson |
s1s | IL Former Republican Governor (1977-1990) | |
participating in 04-911-14 |
Total recorded by OnTheIssues:
0 |