
Rush Limbaugh on Families & Children

Conservative Talk-show Host


Feminazis say all sex is rape, even the sex in marriage

Opposition to name calling is strange for a man who may be most famous for popularizing the work "feminazi." For decades Limbaugh has been using the term, without apology, to smear the feminist movement. The comparison of feminists fighting for gender equality to the most brutal and murderous regime in history should shock everyone.

Limbaugh has repeatedly asserted that he has been misquoted and was only describing a "few" feminists as feminazis. He told Barbara Walters, "No, I never did call feminists feminazis. There are a select few feminists who I call feminazis, and you have to really work hard to earn your way into the feminazi status. You know what a feminazi really is is a woman who is so consumed with the advancement of the feminist agenda that she gets mad when a woman who's pregnant, who was going to have an abortion, is talked out of it; and women who think that, for example, all sex is rape, even the sex in marriage."

Source: The Most Dangerous Man in America, by J.K.Wilson, p. 54-55 , Mar 1, 2011

  • Click here for definitions & background information on Families & Children.
  • Click here for a profile of Rush Limbaugh.
  • Click here for VoteMatch responses by Rush Limbaugh.
  • Click here for AmericansElect.org quiz by Rush Limbaugh.
Other pundits on Families & Children: Rush Limbaugh on other issues:

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Page last updated: May 01, 2021