Lee Fisher on Tax Reform
Let Bush tax cuts expire for millionaires
On taxes, Fisher supports extending tax cuts for the middle class but letting them expire for millionaires and billionaires. Portman contends that any tax increase would hurt the fragile economy."Let's focus first on what policies got us into this
recession," said Fisher, "because we can't afford to go back to the same people and the same policies that dug us the deepest economic ditch in most of our lifetimes."
Portman painted Fisher as the status quo responsible for the economic woes.
Source: Dayton Daily News coverage of 2010 Ohio Senate debate
Oct 13, 2010
2005 tax cut reduced Ohio taxes by 16.8%
The candidates challenged each other over jobs and taxes and who is best able to help revive Ohio's battered economy.Fisher said Portman has backed trade policies that have sent
Ohio jobs overseas. He repeatedly sought to tie Portman to economic policies of former President George W. Bush, in whose administration Portman served as trade representative.
Portman said Fisher's proposals would mean job-killing higher taxes. "You can't continue to raise taxes," he said.
Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland implemented a tax cut in
2005 that resulted in state income taxes that are 16.8 percent less than they were in 2004, said a spokeswoman for Fisher, Ohio's lieutenant governor [under Strickland].
Source: Business Week coverage of 2010 Ohio Senate debate
Oct 8, 2010
Let tax cuts on wealthy expire, to pay for health reform
Health care reform should not be paid for by raising taxes on the already-strapped middle class. Asking hardworking Ohioans mired in recession to pay higher taxes actually undermines what is for me a central goal of reform. In particular, health care
benefits should not be taxed.It would of course be naive to think that reform has no cost. We must look at a wide variety of other mechanisms to provide the funds needed for reform. For example:
- Allowing tax cuts to expire for the wealthiest
Americans making more than $250,000 a year.
- Implementing electronic medical records to save costs in administrative overhead and cut down on costly errors.
- Cracking down on Medicare and Medicaid fraud
- Improving preventive care to reduce costly
procedures and medical emergencies.
- Providing doctors and patients with the latest medical research they need to prescribe the most effective treatments.
- Reforming payment systems for Medicare and other private insurance providers.
Source: Campaign website, www.fisherforohio.com, "Issues"
Dec 25, 2009
Page last updated: Nov 27, 2010