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Constitution Party on VoteMatch



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Based on these stances:
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Strongly Opposes topic 1:
Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(-5 points on Social scale)
Unconscionable to take life of child for crimes of father: Strongly Opposes topic 1
God-given legal personhood from fertilization: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Oppose the distribution and use of all abortifacients: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Strongly Opposes topic 2:
Legally require hiring women & minorities
(+5 points on Economic scale)
No women in combat; no feminization of military: Strongly Opposes topic 2
The Voting Rights Act should be repealed: Strongly Opposes topic 2
Strongly Opposes topic 3:
Comfortable with same-sex marriage
(-5 points on Social scale)
Oppose adoption of children homosexual singles or couples: Strongly Opposes topic 3
God's law defines marriage as one man and one woman: Strongly Opposes topic 3
No enhanced penalties for so-called hate crimes: Opposes topic 3
Oppose any legal recognition of homosexual unions: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Strongly Favors topic 4:
Keep God in the public sphere
(-5 points on Social scale)
Porn distorts sex created by God; enforce obscenity laws: Strongly Favors topic 4
Acknowledges blessing of Jesus Christ as ruler of US: Strongly Favors topic 4
Education cannot be separated from religious faith: Strongly Favors topic 4
Encourage churches to help those in need: Strongly Favors topic 4
Strongly Opposes topic 5:
Expand ObamaCare
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Eliminate the Food and Drug Administration: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Freedom of choice, not government rationing of services: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Opposes the governmentalization of American medicine: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Strongly Favors topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
(+5 points on Economic scale)
No use of S.S. Number except Social Security business: Neutral on topic 6
Allow people to withdraw funds and privately invest them: Strongly Favors topic 6
Privatize Social Security, but pay current benefits: Strongly Favors topic 6
Social Security is unconstitutional individual welfare: Strongly Favors topic 6
Phase out the entire Social Security program: Strongly Favors topic 6
Favors topic 7:
Vouchers for school choice
(+2 points on Economic scale)
Tax relief for families whose children not in public school: Strongly Favors topic 7
Support non-traditional charters, Christian schools & more: Strongly Favors topic 7
Vouchers are a government subsidy; end them all: Opposes topic 7
Strongly Favors topic 8:
Fight EPA regulatory over-reach
(-5 points on Social scale)
Repeal wetlands protection & Endangered Species Act: Strongly Favors topic 8
No UN action nor eminent domain for environmental protection: Strongly Favors topic 8
Strongly Favors topic 9:
Stricter punishment reduces crime
(-5 points on Social scale)
Pornography leads to proliferation of rape and molestation: Strongly Favors topic 9
Inflict capital punishment where appropriate: Strongly Favors topic 9
Strongly Favors topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Repeal federal firearms legislation, end "Gun Free Zones": Strongly Favors topic 10
No registration of guns or ammunition: Strongly Favors topic 10
Right to bear arms is inherent in the right of self defense: Strongly Favors topic 10
Strongly Opposes topic 11:
Higher taxes on the wealthy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Tariffs to replace income tax, payroll tax, & estate tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11
The federal income tax is unconstitutional: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Strongly Opposes topic 12:
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(-5 points on Social scale)
Moratorium on immigration; discontinue federal assistance: Strongly Opposes topic 12
H-1B visas displace American workers: Strongly Opposes topic 12
We call for use of US troops on the invasion of immigrants: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Strongly Opposes topic 13:
Support & expand free trade
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Multi-national corporations extract tax money as free trade: Strongly Opposes topic 13
Withdraw from NAFTA, the GATT, and the WTO: Strongly Opposes topic 13
Strongly Favors topic 14:
Support American Exceptionalism
(+5 points on Economic scale)
NATO serves no US defense purpose; we should withdraw: Strongly Favors topic 14
Restore U.S. sovereignty over Panama Canal Zone: Strongly Favors topic 14
End international giveaways including IMF & foreign aid: Strongly Favors topic 14
Strongly Opposes topic 15:
Expand the military
(+5 points on Social scale)
Oppose conscription; register for the draft: Strongly Opposes topic 15
Deploy a fully operational strategic defense system: Favors topic 15
Eliminate waste & excess profits from defense contracts: Strongly Opposes topic 15
No operations in foreign theatres except in war: Strongly Opposes topic 15
Strongly Opposes topic 16:
Make voter registration easier
(-5 points on Social scale)
Oppose National Popular Vote proposal to elect president: Strongly Opposes topic 16
Oppose statehood for DC & Puerto Rico: Strongly Opposes topic 16
Oppose mail-in balloting; they're not secret or secure: Strongly Opposes topic 16
Repeal all federal campaign finance laws: Strongly Opposes topic 16
Strongly Favors topic 17:
Avoid foreign entanglements
(+5 points on Social scale)
Opposed to U.S. forces serving under foreign command: Strongly Favors topic 17
We are unalterably opposed to entangling alliances: Strongly Favors topic 17
Constitutional government is not imperial: Strongly Favors topic 17
Condemn deployment of troops without a declaration of war: Strongly Favors topic 17
Strongly Opposes topic 18:
Prioritize green energy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Reject man-made global warning, refuted by scientists: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Globalists use global warming threat to gain more control: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Government should not interfere with energy development: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Strongly Favors topic 19:
Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-5 points on Social scale)
Support legislation to stop the flow of illegal drugs: Strongly Favors topic 19
Strongly Opposes topic 20:
Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Eliminate debt by selling federal assets: Strongly Opposes topic 20
Welfare provisions misdirected & morally destructive: Strongly Opposes topic 20
Eliminate debt by only spending collected revenues: Strongly Opposes topic 20

Constitution Party is a Hard-Core Conservative
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Other candidates' VoteMatch: Constitution Party on the issues:
Political Parties:
Democratic Party
Republican Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Constitution Party
Reform Party
Natural Law Party
Tea Party

Former Presidents:
Barack Obama(D,2009-2017)
George W. Bush(R,2001-2009)
Bill Clinton(D,1993-2001)
George Bush Sr.(R,1989-1993)
Ronald Reagan(R,1981-1989)
Jimmy Carter(D,1977-1981)
Gerald Ford(R,1974-1977)
Richard Nixon(R,1969-1974)
Lyndon Johnson(D,1963-1969)
John F. Kennedy(D,1961-1963)
Dwight Eisenhower(R,1953-1961)
Harry S Truman(D,1945-1953)

Political Thinkers:
Noam Chomsky
Milton Friedman
Arianna Huffington
Rush Limbaugh
Ayn Rand
Secy.Robert Reich
Gov.Jesse Ventura
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform
War & Peace

Page last updated: Feb 24, 2022