
Mike Leavitt on Crime

Supports flexible federal block grants for crime programs.

Leavitt adopted the National Governors Association position paper:

The Issue

NGA’s Position

Source: National Governors Association "Issues / Positions" 01-NGA10 on Sep 14, 2001

Zero tolerance for violence against government employees.

Leavitt signed the Western Governors' Association resolution:

  1. America’s communities, schools and workplaces are the building blocks of our peaceful and productive society.
  2. It is the obligation of governments to ensure citizens and visitors in our nation are protected from violence and do not feel threatened by it.
  3. Employees of the federal, state and local governments, including public land managers, are sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and to faithfully discharge the duties of their offices. Government employees are working men and women with families who, as our neighbors, contribute to the communities in which they live.
  1. Western Governors unequivocally endorse a zero tolerance for violence throughout our society. We support the use of all legal authority to prevent violence.
  2. Western Governors unequivocally endorse a zero tolerance for violence directed specifically against government employees. The Western Governors express their appreciation for all of the contributions that government employees have made and continue to make to the states and communities in which they live.
Source: WGA Policy Resolution 01 - 07: Zero Tolerance for Violence 01-WGA07 on Aug 14, 2001

Tougher juvenile crime penalties; but let states set them.

Leavitt adopted a letter to Senate leaders from 4 Governors:

The bills [Congress is working on] support many effective juvenile justice strategies, including incarceration for anyone who knowingly provides a firearm to a minor for illegal use, and additional penalties for those who illegally sell or transfer firearms or engage in drug trafficking at or near a school site, park, or other area where children and youth congregate. While many of your goals are laudable and Governors support them, we do not approve of the various mandates, restrictions, and fund set-asides in H.R. 1501 and 254. States are in the best position to determine penalties for juvenile crime. States need more, not less flexibility to deal with delinquent behavior. Flexibility is essential to allow states to continue to find out what works, developing “best practices” on proven programs, and learning from each other. Federal mandates and one-size-fits-all prescriptions short-circuit experimentation and innovation.

The nation’s Governors are deeply concerned about attempts to expand federal criminal law into traditional state criminal justice system functions. This will contribute little to reducing crime. Moreover, it undermines state and local anti-crime efforts. Governors also believe that federal concurrent jurisdiction in criminal justice efforts will be used by the federal government to impose additional burdensome mandates on state and local crime control and law enforcement officials, especially with regard to federal authority over juvenile offenders. One example is the mandate that states establish and maintain federally-prescribed “Juvenile Criminal History Record” data banks. The pending bills are not clear on what information must be provided to and will remain in the national data bases, who will have access to the data, how long the data will be maintained and made available, and how the data will be used. We also affirm states’ rights under our federal system to control access to their own data.

Source: National Governor's Association letter to Congress 99-NGA24 on Aug 5, 1999

Other gubernatorial candidates on Crime: Mike Leavitt on other issues:
AK-D Fran Ulmer
AK-R Frank Murkowski
AL-D Don Siegelman
AL-R Bob Riley
AR-D Jimmie Lou Fisher
AR-R Mike Huckabee
AZ-D Janet Napolitano
AZ-R Matt Salmon
CA-D Gray Davis
CA-R Bill Simon
CT-D Bill Curry
CT-R John Rowland
FL-D Bill McBride
FL-D Janet Reno
FL-R Jeb Bush
GA-D Roy Barnes
GA-R Sonny Perdue
HI-D Mazie Hirono
HI-R Linda Lingle
IA-D Tom Vilsack
IA-R Doug Gross
ID-D Jerry Brady
ID-R Dirk Kempthorne
IL-D Rod Blagojevich
IL-R George Ryan
KS-D Kathleen Sebelius
KS-R Tim Shallenburger
MA-D Shannon O'Brien
MA-D Robert Reich
MA-R Mitt Romney
MD-D Kathleen Townsend
MD-R Bob Ehrlich
ME-D John Baldacci
ME-R Peter Cianchette
MI-D Jennifer Granholm
MI-R Dick Posthumus
MN-D Roger Moe
MN-I Tim Penny
MN-R Tim Pawlenty
NE-D Stormy Dean
NE-R Mike Johanns
NH-D Mark Fernald
NH-R Craig Benson
NM-D Bill Richardson
NM-R John Sanchez
NV-D Joe Neal
NV-R Kenny Guinn
NY-D Carl McCall
NY-D Andrew Cuomo
NY-R George Pataki
OH-D Tim Hagan
OH-R Bob Taft
OK-D Brad Henry
OK-R Steve Largent
OR-D Ted Kulongoski
OR-R Kevin Mannix
PA-D Mike Fisher
PA-R Ed Rendell
RI-D Myrth York
RI-R Don Carcieri
SC-D Jim Hodges
SC-R Mark Sanford
SD-D Jim Abbott
SD-R Mike Rounds
TN-D Phil Bredesen
TN-R Van Hilleary
TX-D Tony Sanchez
TX-R Rick Perry
VT-D Doug Racine
VT-R Jim Douglas
WI-D Jim Doyle
WI-L Ed Thompson
WI-R Scott McCallum
WY-D Dave Freudenthal
WY-R Eli Bebout
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