Former Secretary of H.H.S.; former Republican Governor (WI)
Don’t let one high tech company escape Wisconsin
Wisconsin stands to become America’s Biotech Prairie and we mustn’t let one high tech company escape our state in search of a better climate.
We must aggressively pursue more venture capital so the ambitious high-tech and biotech entrepreneurs
have the resources to bring their discoveries to market.
We must continue investing wisely in our universities: Keep the Biostar program on pace. Double the number of information technology graduates. And create a Master’s degree in biotechnology at
And move forward with the Madison Initiative, Milwaukee Idea and Chippewa Valley Initiative. All are strategic plans geared toward developing the jobs and workers of tomorrow through public-private partnerships in their regions.
Find a way to create tax-free Technology Zones in regions of the state. They can set the Biotech Prairie on fire by providing a tremendous financial incentive for high-tech companies to locate and grow in Wisconsin.