
Jill Stein on Health Care

Green Party presidential nominee; Former Challenger for MA Governor

Health insurance wastes 30%; Medicare only wastes only 3%

ROMNEY: #1 that I get rid of is ObamaCare. There are a number of things that sound good but, frankly, we just can't afford them. And that one doesn't sound good, and it's not affordable, so I get rid of that one from day one.

STEIN: We are squandering trillions of dollars over the coming decade on a massive, wasteful health insurance, private health insurance bureaucracy. By moving to a single-payer, Medicare-for-all system, we get a system that people love and want to defend from government tampering, and that system covers everyone comprehensively, puts you back in charge of your healthcare, and, in addition, it actually saves us trillions over the coming decade, equivalent to that austerity plan that they were talking about. What we have right now is 30% of every healthcare dollar is being spent on bureaucracy, red tape and paper pushing. Under Medicare, that 30% shrinks down to 2% to 3%. That's enough to cover everybody. And we deserve that.

Source: Democracy Now! Expanded Third Obama-Romney 2012 debate , Oct 22, 2012

75% of expenditures are sick care system, not healthcare

We support a Green New Deal, which will put everyone back to work at the same time that it puts a halt to climate change and it makes wars for oil obsolete. And as a medical doctor, I want to note that what is good for the economy and for the planet is also good for our health. So it really creates the infrastructure for real health with a local, sustainable food system; with fresh food; with public and active transportation that allows you to get your exercise on the way to school; and with clean, renewable energy that provides, effectively, pollution prevention. So we can get healthy and save an enormous amount of money, as well, by preventing [about] 75% of our expenditures under what's really a sick care system, not a healthcare system. We move to the fundamentals of health, as well, through the Green New Deal.
Source: Democracy Now! Expanded Second Obama-Romney 2012 debate , Oct 16, 2012

Medicare Part D is a giveaway for pharmaceutical companies

ROMNEY: On Medicare, for current retirees, Obama's cutting $716 billion from the program, to be able to balance the additional cost of ObamaCare. That is, in my opinion, a mistake.

STEIN: Both Obama and Romney-Ryan are both aiming for essentially for the same targets. For Medicare, they are both aiming for Medicare to be reduced to about 2.2% of GDP. A sign that things are not really different between these two corporate-sponsored candidates. They're both proposing about $700 billion in Medicare cuts. We can fix this. One thing we can do right now is to fix Medicare Part D so that it's no longer a boondoggle, a giveaway for pharmaceutical companies and to allow bargaining and negotiation to get bulk purchasing and bring down the cost.

ANDERSON: The solution to Medicare is to provide Medicare for everybody. To make it a single payer system.

Source: Democracy Now! Expanded First Obama-Romney 2012 debate , Oct 4, 2012

Affordable Care Act is neither Affordable nor Caring

ANDERSON: I would call both ObamaCare and RomneyCare "insurance companycare" because they're the ones who wrote it.

STEIN: I live in the state of Massachusetts. So, I've seen RomneyCare or ObamaCare--take your pick--the Affordable Care Act actually in the flesh is neither affordable nor caring, because it provides stripped-down plans which are fairly expensive unless you are in a very low income. If you are making less than $20,000 a year as a family, you're covered. And it actually has expanded care for the very poor, and that is a good thing. But if you're in the $20,000-$40,000 bracket, near-poor, these plans cover about 70% of your costs; yet you are paying approximately 10% of your income for them. So, it's not affordable for families. You're not fully covered. The proof of the pudding here is that when people get sick in Massachusetts now, they go into medical bankruptcy just as much as they did before we had the Affordable Care Act.

Source: Democracy Now! Expanded First Obama-Romney 2012 debate , Oct 4, 2012

ObamaCare took single-payer & public option off the table

Q. Does Pres. Obama deserve credit for health care and other accomplishments?

A. Small time, sure. There are minor improvements. But on the other hand, he took single-payer off the table. He absolutely took a public option off the table. And how about bringing Wall Street in, the guys who created the problem, among his first appointments. It was pretty clear right then that this was going to be business as usual on steroids. We're certainly more equitable, or more healthy, with what Obama has brought.

Source: Michael Shear, New York Times, "5 Questions" , Feb 14, 2012

Medical doctor & advocate for community health provider

Q: Had you been involved with other politics before your gubernatorial run?

A: I have always been involved in issue-based politics, not party politics--I was never really originally drawn to party politics. I'm trained as a medical doctor--that's my field: I've been practicing long enough to see how extremely broken our health care system is. I had become very active in the world of health care advocacy, advocating for single payer, but also in the world of environmental politics, and advocating for being a community provider of health. That's really the way to do it. If you really want people to remain healthy, you can't just throw pills at people once they become sick, which I feel like I was doing as a medical doctor, so I began working on more upstream thinking.I began thinking, "If only our elected officials knew that there were all of these cost-saving solutions ..." After five years I knew if you really want to fix any political problems, you also have to fix the political system.

Source: Interview with Steve Horn of Truthout.org , Jan 29, 2012

ObamaCare was step backward for goal of single payer

Q: You brought up single payer vs. for-profit health care. What's your stance on ObamaCare?

A: Well, we have it in Massachusetts, since it's really modeled after RomneyCare, and it's very problematic. It is not a solution--it did extend care to some people who didn't have it, but kind of at the cost of working families. The costs are not fairly distributed; the mandate is extremely unfair; the system is entirely unsustainable, and it is not working. Many people say health care is worse than it is better under ObamaCare, which is remarkable because you don't know what the real problems of a health care system are until you get sick.

Q: Was ObamaCare a step forward?

A: I think it was a step backward for the final goal of a system of single payer health care.

Q: So do you support ObamaCare?

A: I don't support ObamaCare and see it as a step backward that entrenches the power of the private health care industry.

Source: Interview with Steve Horn of Truthout.org , Jan 29, 2012

Right to quality health care: Medicare for All

My administration will honor the right to quality health care through an improved Medicare for All program. This will provide comprehensive care for all. It will be free to consumers at the point of delivery, but will save money overall by reducing the massive wasteful health insurance bureaucracy and by stabilizing medical inflation. And it restores freedom of choice so you pick your health care provider, and your care is decided by you and your provider- not by a profiteering insurance executive.
Source: Green Party 2012 People's State of the Union speech , Jan 25, 2012

Streamline bureaucracy: $400B yearly for comprehensive care

Q: You advocate broadening Medicare; how would you pay for it?

A: By reducing the 30% waste of healthcare spent on CEO salaries and wasteful bureaucracy. Streamline that and you have $400 billion in savings every year, and you can provide quality comprehensive healthcare for everyone. Add to that doing away with medical inflation, which is the biggest driver of rising healthcare cost. According to some economists, we could do way with the national debt simply by moving to a cost-effective healthcare system. There are trillions to be saved over the next decade by moving to a streamlined administrative system such as Medicare-For-All.

Source: 2011 AmericansElect interview questionnaire with Jill Stein , Dec 21, 2011

30% of healthcare costs squandered on ads & CEO salaries

Q: Should healthcare be provided by the government or the private market, or a mixture?

A: The government should be the provider, basically, but a quasi-government public entity, not necessarily the federal government directly. Definitely not the private sector. We should be broadening Medicare to reduce the outrageous waste of healthcare dollars--30% is now squandered on advertising, CEO salaries, and a very bloated wasteful bureaucracy.

Source: 2011 AmericansElect interview questionnaire with Jill Stein , Dec 21, 2011

Single-payer Medicare-for-all system

What if everyone had affordable health care, and we saved billions by eliminating bureaucracy and overpricing? Our current health care system is not affordable and is not delivering the health care we need. It's time to act to provide affordable, quality health coverage to all our citizens--without the Massachusetts mandate that forces people to buy expensive, stripped down plans.

There is a proven way to achieve all this while saving billions of dollars. It involves a Medicare-for-all system that pays for itself simply by cutting out the insurance company red tape. (It's sometimes called "single-payer," which means that all bills go to a single processing point--eliminating the costly and complex billing system required to submit claims to multiple private insurance providers, each following different rules).

Under single-payer, no one loses health insurance when they change jobs. And our health dollars are spent on better health care--not on insurance company red tape.

Source: 2010 Gubernatorial Campaign website jillstein.org, "Issues" , Sep 29, 2010

Save money & increase access with single-payer system

Health care is a fundamental human right. As governor, I will work for a single-payer health care system that will save the millions of dollars wasted on administrative costs, and as a result bring higher quality health care to everyone in Massachusetts. A single-payer system is not a system of socialized medicine, but one of consolidated insurance where everyone uses the sole insurer, and everyone is covered. This is the system used so successfully in many other countries.
Source: Campaign web site, www.JillWill.org, “Issues” , Oct 9, 2002

Implement universal health care

Source: Campaign web site, JillForGov.org, “Issues” , Nov 24, 2001

Other candidates on Health Care: Jill Stein on other issues:
Pres.Barack Obama
V.P.Joe Biden
GOP Candidates:
Gov.Mitt Romney(MA)
Rep.Paul Ryan(WI)
Third Party Candidates:
Mayor Rocky Anderson(J)
Roseanne Barr(PF)
Rep.Virgil Goode(C)
Gov.Gary Johnson(L)
Jill Stein(G)
Andre Barnett(Ref.)

GOP Withdrawals:
Rep.Michele Bachmann(MN)
Herman Cain(GA)
Rep.Newt Gingrich(GA)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Rep.Ron Paul(TX)
Gov.Tim Pawlenty(MN)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Gov.Buddy Roemer(LA)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
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Page last updated: Oct 27, 2012