Rocky Anderson on Corporations
Justice Party challenger for President; former mayor of Salt Lake City
Break up too-big-to-fail banks & prosecute Wall Street fraud
STEIN: We've gotten ourselves into great crises under both parties. And in many ways, Barack Obama expanded the bad policies of George Bush, with Wall Street bailouts that went ballistic.ANDERSON: We need significant regulation of Wall Street and the
financial industry. That's not happening under President Obama. It certainly isn't going to happen if there is a President Romney. Nobody is talking about breaking up the banks that are too big to fail. Nobody is talking about enforcement.
There hasn't been one prosecution for the massive fraud on Wall Street during the Obama administration. So we're getting set up again, because these folks are serving the interests of
Wall Street rather than serving the public interest. We need to get back to leadership like we had under FDR, like we cleaned up after the Depression, putting people to work and putting the people of this country first.
Source: Democracy Now! Expanded Second Obama-Romney 2012 debate
, Oct 16, 2012
End the legal concept of corporate "personhood"
We deserve a president who will stand for people, not corporations.- The promotion of the public interest through the defeat of the systemic corruption that has caused massive failures in public policy.
- An immediate end to the on-going wars.
Essential health care coverage for all citizens.
- Urgent international leadership by the US to prevent the most catastrophic consequences of climate disruption.
- Adequate revenues to balance the budget through fair taxation.
- Treatment of substance
abuse as a public health, rather than criminal justice, issue.
- Control of the Federal Reserve by the Treasury Department and Congress.
- A balanced budget (or a surplus) except in times of war or major recession.
- An end to the legal concept of
corporate "personhood," a constitutional amendment to overrule Citizens United.
- Limits or prohibitions on the corrosive impact of money in our electoral system.
- An end to the stranglehold on our government by the military-industrial complex.
Source: 2012 presidential campaign website, www.voterocky.org
, Feb 3, 2012
Page last updated: Oct 27, 2012