Privatize system after returning money to those in system
Q: Do you agree or disagree with the statement, "Privatize Social Security"?
CASTLE: Agree˙.˙But, first the people who have paid into the system all their working lives must have that money returned to them.˙ Then we must privatize because the system is falling apart.
Source: 2016 email interview with OnTheIssues on presidential race
, Oct 29, 2016
Allow withdrawing Soc. Sec. funds for transfer into an IRA
Social Security is a form of individual welfare not authorized in the Constitution. The Constitution Party advocates phasing out the entire Social Security program, while continuing to meet the obligations already incurred. Until the current Social
Security system can be responsibly phased out, we propose that:
The Social Security tax must not be a "rainy day" fund which politicians can pirate, or from which they can borrow to cover their errors and pay for their excesses.
who have contributed to Social Security be allowed to withdraw those funds and transfer them into an IRA or similar investments under the control of the individual contributor.
Earning limitations on persons aged 62 and over be removed, so that they
may earn any amount of additional income without placing their benefits at risk.
We support the right of individuals to choose between private retirement and pension programs, either at their place of employment or independently.
Source: Constitution Party Platform adopted at nominating convention
, Apr 16, 2016