Jim Gilmore on Technology
Senate challenger 2008; previously Republican Governor (VA)
Youth are especially aware of electoral effect of Internet
Q: Do you feel that the youth of this country, aged 16-19, will make any noise this election?A: Yes I do.
The internet will provide a direct ability to communicate, and the youth of America are especially aware of this. In fact, that’s what I’m doing right now.
Source: Live Chat with Jim Gilmore on his campaign blog
, Apr 26, 2007
We should “think new”, like Founding Fathers did
The issue before this Assembly is whether we continue to advance or whether, at the first sign of trouble, we back away. I believe we should stay the course of change, even accelerate reform,
and use every tool of management, financial or otherwise, to achieve our policies and principles. As our Founding Fathers “thought new” in the 18th century, we must continue to “think new” at the beginning of the 21st century.
Education must be more than an opportunity for the young, but a lifelong quest for all Virginians to acquire new skills and greater knowledge. Transportation must be more than building roads the same out-dated way, but innovating to shorten commutes
and improve the safety and efficiency of our system. Technology must be more than hardware and websites, but a real opportunity to break down the walls of bureaucracy and bring a more responsive government closer to the people.
Source: 2001 State of the State Address to VA General Assembly
, Jan 10, 2001
Permanent R&D tax incentive & more R&D funding.
Gilmore signed the Southern Governors' Association resolution:
Whereas, the federal government’s investment in research and development (R&D) has dropped from 70% of total, national R&D at the height of the “cold war” to merely 27% in 1999; and, Whereas, federal R&D spending has dropped from 1.5% of the Gross National Product (GDP) in 1987 to only 0.6% today; and, Whereas, industry-sponsored R&D has off-set this decline by merely growing from 1.5% of GDP in 1987 to 1.6% today; and, Whereas, federal leadership in technology transfer is of critical importance to the development and commercialization of established intellectual property; and, Whereas, broadband, high-speed Internet technology is an essential asset to support the New Economy and foster a climate to aid R&D efforts; and, Whereas, the advancement of digital government can foster supportive services important to research and development including cataloging of labor, statistics and venture capital,
and further, can enhance citizen access and coordination of government information and services; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Southern Governors’ Association urges Congress and the Administration to:- Substantially increase all areas of research and development funding, and enact a permanent tax incentive for R&D and a tax election to exchange research-related benefits for a refundable tax credit;
- Pass legislation to bolster federal technology transfer efforts, ensuring that a sense of urgency exists in tech transfer officers of government agencies;
- Support legislation and regulations that will speed the deployment of broadband, high speed Internet networking throughout the nation; and,
- Establish a federal chief information office within the Office of Management and Budget.
Source: Resolution of Southern Governor's Assn. on Federal R&D 01-SGA4 on Sep 9, 2001
Page last updated: Mar 12, 2016