Congress should decide student loan rates, not banks
On Student Loans: "America must make critical decisions about how to make education work better. We can't make those decisions so long as the decision makers are focused on the money. Congress should decide whether
interest rates on student loans should be lower, or at least, whether the loans should be able to be refinanced. (I would support both.) It shouldn't have to worry about contributions from the banking industry as it makes those decisions."
Source: Forbes Magazine "2016 Candidates Want You to Know" series
, Sep 30, 2015
No Child Left Behind gave birth to testing industry
On Testing: "An incredible testing industry has been born in light of No Child Left Behind.
Congress should decide whether such testing should continue-without worrying about whether contributions from the testing industry will continue."
Source: Forbes Magazine "2016 Candidates Want You to Know" series
, Sep 30, 2015