Lawrence Lessig on Crime
Comprehensive reform of mandatory minimum sentences
Almost every problem that we see in the criminal justice system flows from the core inequality that we've allowed to grow within our society. The laws are harshest against the most politically disempowered (the poor); they are unenforced against the most
politically empowered (Wall Street). And a bizarre and misguided policy of conservative Supreme Court justices to grant an expanding immunity to government officials who break the law has removed the only effective check on rogue police departments
and federal agents.As President, I would press for comprehensive reform of mandatory minimum sentences. We send people to prison for way too long, and when they get out, too many have no choice but to return to crime.
I would also direct the Justice Department to prosecute white collar crimes through penalties imposed on people first. Corporations are not people.
Source: 2016 presidential campaign website Lessig2016.us, `Issues`
, Oct 29, 2015
Page last updated: Aug 18, 2016