
Marco Rubio on War & Peace



Timetable in Afghanistan emboldened Taliban to wait us out

Q: Bob Gates, the former secretary of defense, had a book out this week. What did you think about his disclosures?

RUBIO: I have two thoughts. The first is my preference would be that people would refrain from writing these sorts of things until the president is out of office, because I it undermines the ability to conduct foreign policy. That being said, I don't think we can ignore what is in that book. The motivations in Afghanistan was primarily political: the president had that this is not his war. And you saw that reflected in the decision that he made at the same time that he announced the surge, he also announced an exit date and strategy, thereby emboldening Taliban to believe they can wait us out. And the result is now evident across the globe. Our allies see us as unreliable and our enemies feel emboldened. And I think that this is--confirms our worst fears that this is an administration that lacks a strategic foreign policy and in fact largely driven by politics and tactics.

Source: Face the Nation 2014 interview: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jan 12, 2014

Goal for Korea: denuclearize the peninsula and to unify it

Q: On North Korea, are we following the right policies?

RUBIO: I believe the administration has acted responsibly. I think they've done three things that are important:

  1. They've made very can clear that there is not going to be any food or any conceptions in exchange for downsizing these provocations.
  2. They've repositioned assets, to do two things--they protect the US and our territory, but they also let our allies understand clearly that we are going to live up to our security commitments.
  3. I'm also encouraged that Secretary Kerry went to China and met with the president of China. Hopefully we can get the Chinese to recalibrate their relationship to North Korea and realize that what's there now on that peninsula is unsustainable.
The ultimate solution to the Korean problem is to denuclearize the peninsula and to unify it. And that's the goal we should be working towards, because what North Korea has is not a government, what North Korea is being run by is a criminal syndicate.
Source: CBS Face the Nation 2013 series: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Apr 14, 2013

Marco Rubio on ISIL

I've warned about ISIS in Libya for 2 years; US troops there

Q: You proposed sending a larger number of American ground troops to help defeat ISIS in Syria and Iraq...

RUBIO: That's correct, and Libya.

Q: Because military commanders say the biggest ISIS threat to Europe now is coming from Libya, not Syria?

RUBIO: Correct.

Q: So if you're for putting more U.S. ground troops in Iraq and Syria, are you also ready to send U.S. ground troops on the ground in Libya?

RUBIO: Well, what I've argued from the very beginning is that in order to defeat ISIS, you must deny them operating spaces. Today that operating space has largely been based in Iraq and Syria, but I've been warning about the Libyan presence for the better part of two years. So they need to be targeted wherever they have an operating space. They can only be defeated if they are driven out and the territory is held by Sunni Arabs. But it will require a specific number of American special operators, in combination with an increase in air strikes.

Source: 2016 Fox News GOP debate in Detroit Michigan , Mar 3, 2016

Against ISIS, either they win, or we win

[Obama] doesn't understand the threat in ISIS. He consistently underestimates it. There is a war against radical jihadists terrorists, and it is a war that they win or we win. When I'm president, we are going to win this war on ISIS. The most powerful intelligence agency in the world is going to tell us where we are, the most powerful military in the world is going to destroy them. If we capture them alive, they are getting a one-way ticket to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Source: Fox Business Republican 2-tier debate , Jan 14, 2016

Civilian causalities unfortunate but inevitable

Q: One of your rivals, Senator Ted Cruz, said over the weekend that we have to dramatically ramp up the airstrikes, even if it means more civilian casualties. Your take?

RUBIO: I don't think any nation on Earth takes more pains in avoiding civilian casualties than the United States. The reality, unfortunately, is that many of these terrorist groups deliberately operate from the center of civilian areas, because they want there to be civilian casualties for propaganda use. We've seen that as well used by the enemies of Israel on repeated occasions. Obviously, we're going to take great pains to avoid civilian casualties, but at the end of the day, no one has killed more civilians and more innocents here than ISIS has. And although we'll take extraordinary steps to avoid civilian casualties, there is, of course, no guarantee, especially, given the fact, that you're operating against these individuals, who have no regard for human life.

Source: ABC This Week 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Nov 15, 2015

Declare war on ISIS, fight via Sunni tribes and Kurds

Q: The president's assistant said that the terrorist attack in Paris was an act of war by ISIL. What do you think the president should be doing right now?

RUBIO: This is clearly an act of war on one of our NATO allies and we should invoke Article 5 of the NATO agreement and bring everyone together to put together a coalition to confront this challenge.

Q: The question is how--Senator Lindsey Graham, says put 10,000 troops on the ground.

RUBIO: I think it's premature to say the exact numbers. I think that we need to begin to work more closely with the Sunni tribes in Iraq who do not want to work under the thumb of the central government in Iraq as well as the Kurds. The only way to ultimately defeat ISIS is for them to be defeated ideologically and militarily, by Sunnis themselves. But we are going to have to increase special operations attacks, targeting ISIS leadership and revealing that they are not invincible.

Source: ABC This Week 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Nov 15, 2015

ISIS hates our way of life; either they win or we win

Radical terrorist groups are not just in Syria and in Iraq, ISIS is now in Libya. They are a significant presence in Libya, Afghanistan, and a growing presence in Pakistan. Soon they will be in Turkey. They will try Jordan. They will try Saudi Arabia. They are coming to us. They don't hate us simply because we support Israel. They hate us because of our values. They hate us because our girls go to school. They hate us because women drive in the United States. Either they win or we win.
Source: Fox Business/WSJ Second Tier debate , Nov 10, 2015

ISIS plan: US air support for Sunni forces on the ground

[In his CPAC speech, Rubio said, "ISIS is a radical Sunni Islamic group. They need to be defeated on the ground by a Sunni military force with air support from the United States. Put together a coalition of armed regional governments to confront [ISIS] on the ground with U.S. special forces support, logistical support, intelligence support and the most devastating air support possible, and you will wipe ISIS out."

Obama's strategy to defeat ISIS is largely identical to Marco Rubio's. The senator fleshed this out at CPAC: target ISIS by using local ground forces, coupled with air support from the United States, all while U.S. officials take the lead in assembling an international coalition. That, as of this morning, is Rubio's plan. It's also exactly what Obama has been doing since August.

Source: MSNBC on 2015 Conservative Political Action Conf. , Feb 27, 2015

Confront and defeat ISIL now, or we will have to do so later

Three likely Republican White House contenders thrust the party's foreign policy divide into the spotlight with their votes and comments on a measure to arm moderate Syrian rebels. While Florida Senator Marco Rubio voted in favor of the plan, which passed, Kentucky's Rand Paul and Texas Senator Ted Cruz voted against it, with Paul opposing intervention.

"Intervention is a mistake. Intervention when both sides are evil is a mistake. Intervention that destabilizes the Middle East is a mistake. And yet, here we are again, wading into a civil war," Paul said.

His doubts ran contrary to the thinking of Rubio, who advocated an aggressive response, saying the threat should have been addressed earlier. "If we do not confront and defeat ISIL now we will have to do so later, and it will take a lot longer, be a lot costlier, and be more painful," Rubio said, using an acronym for Islamic State. "If we fail to approve this, the nations of that region will say America is not truly engaged."

Source: Reuters 2014 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Sep 18, 2014

Airstrikes in Syria and Iraq to target ISIL

Q: Are you ready for the president to order airstrikes in to Syria?

RUBIO: Absolutely. I think it's critical that we do that. If you're serious about defeating ISIL, you have to go after where they're headquartered. What is important to understand about their presence in Syria is that they are generating revenue in Syria, with former Assad refineries that they now control and they're generating revenue from. But all of their supplies, their command and control structure, is being operated from there. You cannot defeat ISIL unless you hit them in those parts of Syria that they now control, where the Syrian government is not even present. ISIL is a group that poses an immediate danger to the United States. And if we are serious about defeating them, then we must strike them both in Syria and in Iraq.

Source: Face the Nation 2014 interview: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Sep 7, 2014

Stay involved in Iraq to fight ISIS, not for nation-building

Q: You believe our future involvement in Iraq is a direct threat to our national security?

RUBIO: Without a doubt. I think this is an urgent counterterrorism matter. I know a lot has been talked about the future of Iraq as a country, and that is a very legitimate issue that needs to be looked at. But, for me, this is not about nation-building or imposing democracy. This is a counterterrorism risk that we need to nip in the bud. It is my view that we will either deal with ISIS now or we will deal with them later. And, later, they're going to be stronger and harder to reach.

Q: Given that this is a direct throat to U.S. national security, what should this administration be doing?

RUBIO: I certainly hope that the 300 additional special forces and trainers going in is not simply a symbolic measure. I hope it's the first step in a multistep process.

Source: Face the Nation 2014 interview: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jun 22, 2014

Assist Iraqi government in fighting ISIL

Q: Is there anything we can do now in Iraq?

RUBIO: I'd be open-minded to providing assistance to the Iraqi government in terms of training and equipment to allow them to deal with the challenges. I would not underestimate the impact that these rebels al Qaeda-linked forces in in Syria are now having cross border in Iraq. I think's going to be a growing factor. Some have asked me this week if I would support another invasion of Iraq, of course not. I don't think that's a solution at this point. But I think we're going to be dealing with this for some time. But ultimately, the only way to solve this problem is for the Iraqi government to be able to solve it. They need the military and security resources in the short-term. But in the long-term, they need a stable political process, otherwise this is going to be an ongoing problem forever.

Source: Face the Nation 2014 interview: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jan 12, 2014

Marco Rubio on Mideast

Boots on ground in Syria; coordinate with Kurds

Q: The US is sending 50 special operations forces into Syria. Is that enough?

RUBIO: Well, it's an important start. I think the broader issue is, what is the strategy? And I think the strategy has to involve more coordination with the Kurds and also with Sunnis, because you're not going to defeat ISIS, a radical Sunni movement, without a robust anti-ISIS Sunni coalition. So, I do think it's important tactical step forward. It needs to be backed up with increased airstrikes and so forth.

Source: CBS Face the Nation 2015 interview by Bob Schieffer , Nov 1, 2015

Theocratic ayatollahs should never possess nuclear weapons

We need a commander-in-chief who will stand up and protect this country. And I'll tell you, I can't wait to stand on that debate stage with Hillary Clinton and to make abundantly clear if you vote for Hillary, you are voting for the Ayatollah Khomeini to possess a nuclear weapon and if you elect me as president, under no circumstances will a theocratic ayatollah who chants death to America ever be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN , Sep 16, 2015

We should have supported Syrian uprising from its start

The uprising in Syria was started by the Syrian people. I warned at the time that if we did not find moderate elements that we could equip and arm, that void would be filled by radical jihadists. The president didn't listen, and that's exactly what happened. That is why ISIS grew. That is why ISIS then came over the border from Syria and back into Iraq. And the more we disengage, the more airplanes from Moscow you're going to see flying out of Damascus and out of Syria.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN , Sep 16, 2015

Keep sanctions against Iran instead of Obama's nuke deal

Q: Governor Scott Walker says he would rip up this Iranian nuclear deal on day one. What would President Marco Rubio do?

A: The sanctions are already in place. And they would be reinstated. And that's what I would do as president. You don't need to have a Cabinet fully formed to do that. We will not use the national security waiver to hold back US sanctions against Iran, especially not as a result of this flawed deal that he's pursuing. I think that the sanctions were actually forcing Iran to the table. I think we should have asked for a lot more. It also requires us to help Iran technically, economically, develop themselves as a country and become a stronger regional power. That undermines our relationships with our Arab allies in the region and, of course, the state of Israel. I think it almost guarantees that there will now be an arms race in the Middle East.

Source: CNN SOTU 2015 interview series: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jul 19, 2015

No mistake to invade Iraq in 2003; we thought Iraq had WMDs

Q: Back in 2003, when asked if the Iraq invasion was a mistake, you said, "I don't believe it was; the world is a better place because Saddam Hussein doesn't run Iraq." After finding that there were no weapons of mass destruction, would you, if you knew that, have been in favor of the Iraqi invasion?

RUBIO: Well, not only would I have not been in favor of it, President Bush would not have been in favor of it. And he said so.

Q: So, it made sense to invade Iraq in 2003, but now you say it was a mistake?

RUBIO: That was not the same question. The question was whether it was a mistake. And my answer was it's not a mistake. I still say it was not a mistake, because the president was presented with intelligence that said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, it was governed by a man who had committed atrocities in the past with weapons of mass destruction.

Source: Fox News Sunday 2015 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls , May 17, 2015

Airstrikes to topple Syrian government are counterproductive

Q: [In calling for airstrikes in Syria and Iraq to target ISIL], this is a bit of a change for you, is it not? You were a little reluctant about going in to Syria, if I recall?

RUBIO: Well, if you recall, at that time, what the president characterized basically as a symbolic military action against the Assad government, which I thought would be counterproductive. I thought the best way to topple Assad was to arm, equip, train and capacitate moderate rebel elements within Syria. I thought that was a better approach. This is different. We're talking about targeting ISIL, which is a group that poses an immediate danger to the United States. And if we are serious about defeating them, then we must strike them both in Syria and in Iraq. The previous debate was about what to do with Assad, and I thought the best way to topple Assad was not through airstrikes, but through equipping the moderate rebel elements.

Source: Face the Nation 2014 interview: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Sep 7, 2014

Lack of long-term US status in Iraq opens it for al Qaeda

Q: It look like Iraq may fall back in the hands of the rebels. Has this war going to turn out to be a tragic waste?

RUBIO: Much of what has happened in Iraq lately has been the result of poor leadership within Iraq. Contributing to that is the fact that the US does not have long-term status in Iraq. As a result, air space [can be] used by Iranians and others to do all sorts of things. Ultimately whether it's Afghanistan or Iraq, future of those countries is in the hands of their own people. And the US can't rescue them from themselves. But I do think we have a strategic interest in what happens there. And it poses a real challenge, because if you start adding it up now, Bob, you have an ungoverned space in Iraq, ungoverned spaces in Syria, potentially ungoverned spaces if Afghanistan begins to fall back, ungoverned spaces in Africa. This is all fertile territory for al Qaeda and other radical elements to set up training camps and plot attacks against the homeland and our interests.

Source: Face the Nation 2014 interview: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jan 12, 2014

Equip and train non-jihadist Syrians to topple Assad

Rubio released a statement noting that the nation has "significant national interests at stake in the conflict in Syria" and accused the president of "leading from behind."

Over two years ago, Rubio said, he urged the U.S. to "identify non-jihadist groups in Syria and help train and equip them so that they could not only topple Assad, but also be the best organized, trained and armed group on the ground in a post-Assad Syria." But failure to act means that "we are now left with no good options."

"Military action, taken simply to save face, is not a wise use of force," Rubio said. "My advice is to either lay out a comprehensive plan using all of the tools at our disposal that stands a reasonable chance of allowing the moderate opposition to remove Assad and replace him with a stable secular government. Or, at this point, simply focus our resources on helping our allies in the region protect themselves from the threat they and we will increasingly face from an unstable Syria."

Source: ABC News "Candidates stand on Syria" , Aug 31, 2013

Syria: arm rebels last year; now just work with some

Q: You pushed for a long time for the US to arm the rebels. Is this going to make a difference?

RUBIO: In foreign policy, timing matters. These were options for us a year and a half ago, before this became this chaotic. It behooved us to identify whether there were any elements there within Syria fighting against Assad that we could work with, reasonable people that wouldn't carry out human rights violations, and could be part of building a new Syria. We failed to do that. So now our options are quite limited. Now the strongest groups fighting against Assad, unfortunately, are al Qaeda-linked elements.

Q: So here, now, what would President Rubio do? Would you commit US forces to a no-fly zone?

RUBIO: If I was in charge of this issue, we never would have gotten to this point. That being said, I think we need to continue to search for elements on the ground that we can work with, so that if & when Assad falls, they will manage a future, hopefully democratic Syria, and peaceful Syria.

Source: ABC This Week 2013 series of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jun 16, 2013

New Iranian leader is more moderate but still supports nukes

Q: We had a big election in Iran over the weekend. The most moderate candidate won. Is Iran under a President Rohani going to be potentially less of a threat than Iran under President Ahmadinejad?

RUBIO: First of all, a moderate by Iranian political standards is not what we could describe as moderate here in the West, but let me just say that I hope so, because the people of Iran do not want the future that their leaders have wanted. The people of Iran want to engage with the rest of the world, and hopefully this will be a step in that direction. But I'm not all that optimistic. In order to have better relations, not just with the US but with the world, Iran needs to abandon its nuclear weapons ambitions. And unfortunately, this gentleman who was just elected is a strong supporter of the nuclear program and the nuclear weaponization as well.

Source: ABC This Week 2013 series of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jun 16, 2013

Supports intervention in Libya & tougher sanctions on Syria

[Rubio is a] new member of the Foreign Relations Committee. "I am a big believer that very little of what happens in our daily lives is not directly influenced by things that are happening around the world," Rubio explains. "We're not Liechtenstein; we're not Monaco; we're the United States. So our interests are found globally everywhere. The world needs a strong, decisive America as much as ever," he adds.

Rubio has not been shy in pushing for that sort of muscular foreign policy approach. In hearings, he has been an outspoken voice for intervention in Libya ever since the anti-government protesters first began clashing with dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi's forces over the winter. He supported a push for a resolution to authorize the use of American military force.

On the unrest in Syria, where the Obama administration has moved cautiously in pressuring strongman Bashar al-Assad, Rubio teamed with Lieberman to introduce a resolution calling for tougher sanctions on the Assad regime.

Source: Congressional Quarterly Profiles: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Sep 12, 2011

2007 troop surge was the right thing to do

The withdrawal of American combat brigades from Iraq marks an important milestone in a struggle that has eliminated security threats and helped democracy take root there. Because of America's commitment and sacrifices in Iraq, the Iraqi people, the region and the world are all safer today.

Tonight, I join the American people in honoring, remembering and thanking the brave men and women who fulfilled their duty and have helped bring a truly responsible end to combat operations in Iraq, where the Iraqi people now govern and protect their sovereign nation.

We should thank our troops who, under the leadership of Generals David Petraeus and Ray Odierno, brought Iraq back from the brink. We should also acknowledge President Bush and Members of Congress from both parties who did what was right in 2007 by supporting the troop surge that has made Iraq a safer and more stable nation. Their wisdom, political courage and faith in our troops have helped make this important milestone possible.

Source: 2010 Senate campaign website, www.marcorubio.com , Aug 31, 2010

Opposes timetable for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Rubio opposes the F2A survey question on troop withdrawal

Faith2Action.org is "the nation's largest network of pro-family groups." They provide election resources for each state, including Voter Guides and Congressional Scorecards excerpted here. The Faith2Action survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: 'Set a timetable for withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan '

Source: Faith2Action Survey 10-FF-q17 on Sep 19, 2010

Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment.

Rubio co-sponsored Resolution on Iran's nuclear program

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, that Congress--
  1. Reaffirms that the US Government has a vital interest in working together to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability;
  2. warns that time is limited to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability;
  3. urges continued and increasing economic and diplomatic pressure on Iran until a full and sustained suspension of all uranium enrichment-related activities;
  4. expresses that the window for diplomacy is closing;
  5. expresses support for the universal rights and democratic aspirations of the people of Iran;
  6. strongly supports US policy to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability;
  7. rejects any US policy that would rely on containment as an option in response to the Iranian nuclear threat.
Source: HRes568/SR41 12-SJR41 on May 24, 2012

Sponsored shutting down Iranian foreign reserves.

Rubio co-sponsored Iran Sanctions Loophole Elimination Act

Congressional Summary:Prohibits US-based correspondent accounts or a payable-through accounts by a foreign financial institution that knowingly:

Arguments for and against bill: (New York Times, May 8, 2013): Seeking to escalate pressure on Iran, a bipartisan group of senators introduced legislation that would deny the Iranian government access to its foreign exchange reserves, estimated to be worth as much as $100 billion. The legislation would be the first major new sanction confronting Iran since its inconclusive round of negotiations last month on its disputed nuclear program.

Sponsors of the legislation contend that Iran is not bargaining in good faith while it continues to enrich uranium. Part of the reason, they say, is that Iran has been able to work around the worst effects of the sanctions by tapping its foreign currency reserves overseas, which are largely beyond the reach of current restrictions. "Closing the foreign currency loophole in our sanctions policy is critical in our efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability," the sponsors said.

Critics said the new legislation risked further alienating Iranians who suspect that the sanctions' true purpose is not to pressure Iran in the nuclear negotiations, but to cause an economic implosion that would lead to regime change. "When we've cemented a sanctions escalation path, we're creating a trajectory toward actual confrontation," said the founder of the National Iranian American Council, a Washington group that opposes sanctions. Some Iranian leaders, he said, see the sanctions "as a train that can only go in one direction and has no brakes."

Source: S.892 13-S892 on May 8, 2013

Other candidates on War & Peace: Marco Rubio on other issues:
Pres.Barack Obama
V.P.Joe Biden
2016 Democratic Candidates:
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)
2016 Third Party Candidates:
Dr.Jill Stein(G-MA)
Mayor Mike Bloomberg(I-NYC)
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Gov.Bill Weld(L-MA,VP)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
2016 GOP Candidates:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
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Page last updated: Jun 15, 2016