Bill de Blasio on Corporations
NYC Mayor; Democratic Presidential Challenger
Immigrants didn't create mess; the top 1% did that to you
We have to get under the skin of why we have this [immigration] crisis in our system. The way that American citizens have been told that immigrants somehow created their misery and their pain and their challenges, for all the American citizens out there
who feel you're falling behind or feel the American dream is not working for you, the immigrants didn't do that to you.The big corporations did that to you. The 1 percent did that to you. We need to be the party of working people, and that includes
a party of immigrants. But first we have to tell working people in America who are hurting that we're going to be on their side every single time against those big corporations who created this mess to begin with.
And remind people we're all in this together.
If we don't change that debate, that politics that's holding us back, we won't get all these reforms people are talking about. That's what we need to do as Democrats.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (first night in Miami)
, Jun 26, 2019
Amazon exemplifies abuse of corporate power by leaving NYC
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday slammed Amazon.com Inc.'s decision to pull out of a second headquarters in the city as "an example of an abuse of corporate power" that hurts working people. "Amazon just took their ball and went home," de
Blasio said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." "What they did was confirm people's worst fears about corporate America."... "They couldn't handle the heat in the kitchen," de Blasio said. "They let a lot of working people down in the bargain."
Source: Bloomberg News on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Feb 17, 2019
Plenty of money in NYC, but it's in the wrong hands
Mr. de Blasio railed against big business, promised to seize the buildings of scofflaw landlords and pointedly framed the argument over income inequality--long a theme of his rhetoric as mayor--in zero-sum terms. "Here's the truth, brothers and sisters,
there's plenty of money in the world. Plenty of money in this city," the mayor said, flanked by screens with graphs of productivity outpacing compensation. "It's just in the wrong hands!"
Source: N. Y. Times, "Wrong Hands," on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Jan 10, 2019
Preserve physical integrity of Industrial Business Zones
Help Manufacturing Thrive in New York City: Bill de Blasio believes manufacturing can be a critical part of the city economy and will build on existing programs to preserve the physical integrity of Industrial Business Zones, stop illegal conversions of
industrial areas, and support better infrastructure and workforce development planning. He will replicate the success of the Brooklyn Navy Yard in other industrial areas owned and managed by the city
Source: 2013 Mayoral campaign website, www.billdeblasio.com
, Oct 22, 2013
Page last updated: Dec 14, 2019