Bill de Blasio on Abortion
NYC Mayor; Democratic Presidential Challenger
Supports abortion rights & funding Planned Parenthood
De Blasio supports abortion rights and was on board with Gov. Andrew Cuomo's comments that pro-life New Yorkers are not welcome in the state.
He's rallied behind Planned Parenthood when the organization's funding was threatened and opposed the Trump administration's gag rule on Title X.
Source: Townhall.com: "The 2020 Democrats" (presidential hopefuls)
, May 18, 2019
Fight defunding of Planned Parenthood
Investing in Our Values: No matter the threats from the federal government to defund health care organizations like Planned Parenthood,
Mayor de Blasio has pledged to ensure accessible, affordable health care for all New Yorkers.
Source: 2020 Presidential Campaign website BillDeBlasio.com
, May 2, 2019
Crucial to protect women's right to choose in 2019
New York lawmakers have passed one of the nation's strongest protections for abortion rights, saying the women of New York need legal safeguards if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. The Democrat-led Senate and Assembly passed the bill on the
46th anniversary of the Roe decision. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo was expected to quickly sign it into law.The bill was first introduced back in 2007 and removes abortion from the state criminal code and ensures women the right to an abortion in
New York should that federal right ever be changed by the Supreme Court. For years, the law would pass the Assembly but fail in the Republican-controlled Senate. That all changed last fall when voters put Democrats firmly in charge in Albany.
"I support this act. It's crucial that we protect a woman's right to choose, particularly at this moment in history, when women's rights are under attack," NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said.
Source: Associated Press on ABC7NY on 2020 Democratic primary
, Jan 22, 2019
Women, not politicians, should control their bodies
Yet again, legislators are attempting to turn back the hands of time and violate the constitutional rights of women. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin is currently considering legislation that would revoke the medical license of any doctor performing
abortions in the state, except in the most extreme cases where the woman's life is at risk. Women, regardless of where they live, should be able to make their own private health care decisions and have control over their bodies--not politicians.
Source: NYC.gov mayoral press release for 2020 Democratic primary
, May 3, 2016
Protect the right to choose
- Standing Up for Reproductive Health: When Planned Parenthood came under attack from Republicans in Congress, Bill de Blasio fought to protect the vital organization's funding and reputation. Bill de Blasio co-sponsored landmark legislation to
establish protective zones around reproductive health centers, and prevent harassment of women using their services.
- Protect the Right to Choose: As mayor, Bill de Blasio will work to ensure that all women in New York City have access to quality
reproductive health care. De Blasio will work with providers to ensure adequate protection for clinic access by ensuring close coordination with the NYPD, clinics and clinic access volunteers. In addition, he will continue New York City's appeal of a
judge's order overturning New York's local law to regulate sham crisis pregnancy centers, and if the law is ultimately struck down, he will work to craft new regulations to prevent these centers from masquerading as legitimate healthcare providers.
Source: 2013 Mayoral campaign website, www.billdeblasio.com
, Oct 22, 2013
Page last updated: Dec 14, 2019