State of Florida Archives: on War & Peace

Al Franken: Consistently opposed to Iraq War

Franken was opposed to the Iraq War and opposed to Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, which Coleman backed. Franken stood for universal health care; Coleman did not. These themes prevailed for the entire campaign, but issues became muddled amid a volley of wicked television commercials that dumbed down the debate and turned it all personal. Franken may have switched careers, but not his political compass. Coleman was a career politician who had often changed positions.

The far right news and information machine vigorously attacked him for his leftist politics and trail of obscenity-laced, sex-act-peppered writings and television work.

Source: This Is Not Florida, by Jay Weiner, p. 68 Sep 16, 2010

Andrew Gillum: America should be world's human rights champion

Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Avoid foreign entanglements"?

A: Oppose--Andrew believes America must play a pre-eminent role in the world by being a human rights champion. Under President Trump, we are failing that test.

Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Florida Governor candidate Jun 15, 2018

Augustus Invictus: Our foreign policies are interventionist

Invictus, an Orlando lawyer, said he shares classic Libertarian beliefs: Opposition to the war on drugs, support for slashing the federal budget and programs and scaling back interventionist foreign policies.
Source: on 2016 Florida Senate race Oct 1, 2015

Betty Castor: Finish the job in Iraq, repair relations with other nations

Now that the US is in Iraq, it has to finish the job, but it also has to repair relations with other nations. We have got to continue to fight to get back that high ground and that respect among other nations.
Source: Florida Senate Debate, on Oct 19, 2004

Betty Castor: Would have let Bush use force in Iraq with given information

Q: Would you have supported the 2002 congressional resolution authorizing Bush to use force in Iraq?

CASTOR: Based on the information Congress had at the time, I’d have voted for it. I’m glad we got rid of Saddam and am proud of our troops in Iraq. They must have all the equipment and resources necessary to protect themselves and restore order. To move forward, Bush should work with NATO to establish a multinational force headed by the US, as we did in Afghanistan. We need a strong alliance to restore order in Iraq and ease the burden on US troops and taxpayers.

MARTINEZ: I firmly believe the decision to use force in Iraq was necessary. In the days following 9/11, we discovered the strength of al-Qaida and the severity of the terrorist attacks. We could defeat terrorists where they live or continue to respond to their attacks on our soil. The confluences of WMD, terrorists willing to strike our homeland, and countries that harbor terrorists create the need for the US to act.

Source: Florida Senate Debate, Q&A by Associated Press Oct 24, 2004

Brian Mast: Defeat global jihadists who threaten our very way of life

I have seen the enemy face to face, and know that the war we are in is not only a war of military force, it is a war of ideology. ISIS seeks to destroy western civilization, and our very way of life.

We need a new national security strategy and a defense budget that allows us to implement it. We need leaders in Washington who understand how to protect our interests and those of our allies, as well as America's unique leadership role in the world. The world is safest when America is the strongest.

For starters, the United States must finish what we started and defeat global jihadists, ISIS and al-Qaeda. President Obama's half-hearted, inconsistent policy has failed. When elected to Congress, I will aggressively press the next administration for a plan and a budget that will allow us to defeat these jihadist groups. We must also remember that our strategy must come from military commanders -- it is a military decision, not a political one.

Source: 2016 Florida House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Brian Mast: Renew Iranian sanctions after Obama's Iran Deal

Most of the Iran debate centers around President Obama's Iran Deal. I strongly oppose it and we need a President who will tear it up on day one. But as a member of Congress, probably the most important issue is the Iran Sanctions Act, due to expire at the end of 2016. These sanctions must be renewed so if Iran is found to be in violation of the nuclear agreement, there are sanctions to "snap back" to. No sanctions? The snap back provision is meaningless.
Source: 2016 Florida House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Brian Mast: ISIS is simply evil; such people need to be erased

Q: Do you support increased American intervention in Iraq and Syria beyond air support?

A: Yes

Q: Should the U.S use military force in order to prevent governments hostile to the United States from possessing a nuclear weapon?

A: Yes. Sometimes there are people in this world that are simply evil, ISIS is one example. Such people need to be erased and we should be at peace with that.

Source: Vote-Smart 2016 Florida Political Courage Test Nov 8, 2016

Brian Moore: Avoid foreign entanglements & regime change abroad

Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Avoid foreign entanglements"?

A: I strongly support this measure, if it means we are to not get involved in regime change or leader change in other countries, despite that they may be adverse to our country and our own interests.ÿ We need to be more respectful, open and honest with all countries and world bodies like the United Nations.ÿ However, we do have an obligation to become involved in a country's activities, if there is occurring humanitarian disasters, famine and instances similar to the holocaust of WWII.ÿ We do have an obligation to our neighbors and to humanity when and it they are put in grave danger to their health and well-being.ÿ In these instances, we need to become our neighbor's keeper.

Source: interview on 2022 Florida Gubernatorial race Apr 14, 2022

Carlos Curbelo: Russia & Mideast: Peace is only achieved through strength

Every day the world is more unstable. The Middle East is in chaos with Israel under attack by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, and radical Islamist extremists seeking to form a new country in which they will be able to operate freely. Syria continues disintegrating and Iran is only buying time in order to continue their nuclear program. Meanwhile Vladimir Putin is invading countries in Eastern Europe and was obviously involved in the downing of a commercial airliner, killing almost 300 innocent people. Putin is also rebuilding old Soviet-era alliances.

We need Members of Congress who will embrace the concept of smart power, and who understand that peace is only achieved through strength.

Source: 2014 Florida House campaign website, Nov 4, 2014

Carlos Lopez-Cantera: No nuclear deal with Iran; support preemptive strike

L¢pez-Cantera railed against the new Iran nuclear deal, saying he would vote against the deal if he were in the Senate. When asked if he supported a possible Israeli preemptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, L¢pez-Cantera said he would support any move Israel made.
Source: on 2016 Florida Senate race Jul 18, 2015

David Jolly: Cancel Obama's Iran agreement and keep sanctions analysis of Congressional voting record on Foreign Policy issues: Suspension of Iran sanctions relief: Jolly voted YEA on September 11, 2015, when the House approved HR 3460 "To suspend until January 21, 2017, the authority of the President to waive, suspend, reduce, provide relief from, or otherwise limit the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran" by a vote of 247-186. HR 3460 prohibits "the President, prior to January 21, 2017, from: limiting the application of specified sanctions on Iran or refraining from applying any such sanctions; or removing a foreign person (including entities) listed in Attachments 3 or 4 to Annex II of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) from the list of designated nationals and blocked persons maintained by the Office of Foreign Asset Control of the Department of the Treasury." Jolly voted with 244 Republicans and 2 Democrats for the bill.
Source: coverage of 2016 Florida Senate race Sep 11, 2015

Edward Janowski: Support UN action on disputes, instead of CIA decisions

Q: Should we avoid foreign entanglements?

A: As the primary superpower, we will never fully be able to avoid all foreign entanglements. We should certainly limit our direct involvement and avoid using the CIA to help set our foreign policy decisions. The UN is supposed to be the representative of all the world governments for international disputes, with the US offering its support as a member. However, we are not the world's police force and should not be constantly placed in that position.

Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Florida Senate candidate Mar 30, 2018

Greg Steube: Congressional approval slows action on Iran

Rep. Greg Steube came out swinging at an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act "to prevent federal funds from being used for any military force against Iran without congressional authorization."

A nuclear Iran is a threat to America. The president should be able to take timely and decisive action to protect our country and this amendment subverts the president's executive authority to do so. The president is the commander in chief, not Congress,"

Source: on 2018 Congressional FL-17 election Jun 26, 2019

Jeb Bush: God grants liberty only to ready to defend it

Last month, we welcomed home almost 2,000 soldiers of the Florida National Guard from the war on terror. Some won't make it home. It has been said, "God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to defend it." Because of the thousands who continue the fight, America will always be free.

We must acknowledge the great debt we owe patriots like [our lost soldiers]. We should honor their service by ensuring that our actions, both in and out of this chamber, are worthy of their sacrifice. We must serve this state as honorably and effectively as they serve this country. I believe we are on the right path.

Source: 2004 State of the State speech to the Florida Legislature Mar 2, 2004

John McCain: I would much rather lose a campaign than lose a war

Q: The biggest issue between Hillary and you clearly is the war in Iraq. You strongly support the troop surge. She wants to start pulling the troops out. Is that a winner for Republicans in 2008?

A: I don't know. And I can't be concerned. Because I know too many brave young Americans that are serving and sacrificing in Iraq, as we speak. I would much rather lose a campaign than lose a war.

Source: 2007 GOP primary debate in Orlando, Florida Oct 21, 2007

John McCain: Help Maliki government move forward as rapidly as possible

Q: What would you do as president to repair the image of America in the eyes of the Muslim world?

A: The first and most important and vital element is to continue this surge which is succeeding and we are winning the war in Iraq. Secondly, I would make sure that we do what we can to help reconstruct the country, to help the Maliki government move forward as rapidly as possible to train the police.

Source: 2007 GOP YouTube debate in St. Petersburg, Florida Nov 28, 2007

John McCain: The Iraq war was worth the price in blood and treasure

Q: Was the war a good idea, worth the price in blood and treasure?

A: It was a good idea. It was not worth the failures that happened, but it is worth it at the end of the day because we will have peace and success in the Middle East, and our men and women will return, and return with honor, and they won't have to go back and fight al Qaeda there.

Source: 2008 GOP debate in Boca Raton Florida Jan 24, 2008

Kendrick Meek: Get troops out of Iraq to pay for tax cuts

One way to pay for tax cuts would be moving toward more diplomatic solutions in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. "Getting our combat troops out of Iraq is going to save this country money," Meek said. "I support making sure that they are secured and that they are safe and that we have force protection, but at the same time, we have to look at the affordability of what we are doing."

The last US combat brigade was pulled out of Iraq this month. Nearly 50,000 non-combat soldiers remain in Iraq.

Source: CNN "State of the Union" on 2010 Florida Senate debate Jul 22, 2010

Marco Rubio: Imminent, credible threat obliges president to act

If the President of the United States is presented with information that there is an imminent and credible threat that could cost the lives of not a couple of hundred potentially hundreds, if not thousands of American servicemen and women and other personnel in the region the President has an obligation to act. Any President would have an obligation to act. And this President did.
Source: CBS Face the Nation 2020 on 2016 Florida senate race Jan 5, 2020

Matt Gaetz: Meet force with force against ISIS

President Obama's failure to recognize the threat of ISIS and lack of leadership has allowed radical Islam to grow more dangerous than ever. It's time to give our commanders the authority they need to execute a comprehensive strategy and destroy ISIS. Following the attacks in Paris, Matt immediately called upon the Governor to refuse any Syrian refugee relocation to Florida to prevent a "Trojan Horse" attack. We must meet force with force, and Matt will do whatever it takes to destroy ISIS.
Source: 2016 Florida House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Mel Martinez: Iraq was the right decision with or without WMD

Iraq was the right decision whether or not Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. He certainly had the intent and had been supporting terrorists.
Source: Florida Senate Debate, on Oct 19, 2004

Mel Martinez: The decision to use force in Iraq was necessary

Q: Would you have supported the 2002 congressional resolution authorizing Bush to use force in Iraq?

CASTOR: Based on the information Congress had at the time, I'd have voted for it. I'm glad we got rid of Saddam and am proud of our troops in Iraq. They must have all the equipment and resources necessary to protect themselves and restore order. To move forward, Bush should work with NATO to establish a multinational force headed by the US, as we did in Afghanistan. We need a strong alliance to restore order in Iraq and ease the burden on US troops and taxpayers.

MARTINEZ: I firmly believe the decision to use force in Iraq was necessary. In the days following 9/11, we discovered the strength of al-Qaida and the severity of the terrorist attacks. We could defeat terrorists where they live or continue to respond to their attacks on our soil. The confluences of WMD, terrorists willing to strike our homeland, and countries that harbor terrorists create the need for the US to act.

Source: Florida Senate Debate, Q&A by Associated Press Oct 24, 2004

Mike Huckabee: Failing to find the WMDs doesn't mean they weren't there

Q: Was the war worth the price in blood & treasure?

A: I supported Bush when he led us into this. We owe him our thanks that he had the courage to recognize a potential of weapons of mass destruction, and whether than wait until we had another attack, he went and made sure that it wasn't going to happen from Saddam Hussein. Everybody can say we didn't find the weapons. It doesn't mean they weren't there. Just because you didn't find every Easter egg didn't mean that it wasn't planted.

Source: 2008 GOP debate in Boca Raton Florida Jan 24, 2008

Mitt Romney: It was the right decision to go into Iraq

It was the right decision to go into Iraq. I supported it at the time; I support it now. It was not well managed in after the takedown of Saddam Hussein and his military. That was done brilliantly, an extraordinary success. But in the years that followed, we were undermanaged, underprepared, underplanned, understaffed, and then we come into the phase that we have now. The plan that Bush and General Petraeus put together is working. It's changing lives there. Perhaps most importantly, it's making sure that al Qaeda and no other group like them is becoming a superpower, if you will, in the communities, and having a safe haven from which they launch attacks against us. It's critical for us. The most important issue is what do we do now, and their just run and retreat regardless of the consequences is going to be a real problem for them when they face a debate with a Republican on the stage.
Source: 2008 GOP debate in Boca Raton Florida Jan 24, 2008

Neal Dunn: Terrorism must be confronted in the Middle East

Fight Radical Islamic Terrorism: Terrorism must be confronted and defeated. We need to put a strategy in place to take the fight to them in the Middle East and re-double our efforts to secure our nation.
Source: 2016 Florida House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Patrick Murphy: Air strikes against ISIS but no ground troops

Q: On Iraq: Should the US recommit significant additional ground troops to Iraq to combat the success of ISIS?

Murphy: No. Focus on air strikes, coalitions with allies, targeting ISIS cyber recruiting.

Rubio: Some increase is fine. Also increase air strikes and coalitions to support local forces.

Q: On Iran: Support the US-Iran treaty that limits Iran's nuclear capability in return for lifting economic sanctions?

Murphy: Yes

Rubio: No

Source: CampusElect Voter Guide to 2016 Florida Senate race Oct 9, 2016

Rick Scott: $1M for Homes for Heroes; $102M for active military & vets

I want to make sure that Florida is the most military and veteran friendly state in the nation and our Budget proposes $102 million to support active military, veterans and their families. And, I am proposing a three-day sales tax holiday for our veterans and active service members.

Master Sergeant George Vera from Tampa joined the Army in 1995. Two years ago, suicide bombers invaded his base and detonated an IED; Master Sergeant Vera endured a spinal cord injury and is paralyzed. Master Sergeant Vera and his family will soon receive a mortgage free home from Building Homes for Heroes. Since I have taken office, we have been able to invest more than $4 million dollars into Building Homes for Heroes and I am proposing $1 million for this important program this year.

Source: 2017 Florida State of the State address Mar 7, 2017

Ron Paul: The Iraq war was not worth the price in blood and treasure

Q: Was the war a good idea and worth the price in blood and treasure?

A: It was a very bad idea, and it wasn't worth it. The al Qaeda wasn't there then; they're there now. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Had nothing to do with 9/11. There was no aggression. This decision on policy was made in 1998 because they called for the removal of Saddam Hussein. It wasn't worth it, and it's a sad story because we started that war and we should never be a country that starts war needlessly.

Source: 2008 GOP debate in Boca Raton Florida Jan 24, 2008

Rudy Giuliani: The Iraq war was worth the price in blood and treasure

Q: Was the war a good idea and worth the price in blood and treasure?

A: I was for it when six out of 10 were for it; I'm for it when six out of 10 are against it. I'm for it not because of polls but because America is in a war, an Islamic terrorist war against us. America has to succeed in Iraq. And the goal in Iraq is an Iraq that's stable and an ally of the US. To be president of the US, you have to be able to read polls, but you can't have them push you around.

Source: 2008 GOP debate in Boca Raton Florida Jan 24, 2008

Ted Yoho: Support a timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan

Q: Do you support United States' combat operations in Afghanistan?

A: No.

Q: Do you support a timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan?

A: Yes.

Source: Florida Congressional Election 2012 Political Courage Test Nov 1, 2012

Ted Yoho: Defend if Iran attacks us, but no military prevention

Q: Should the US use military force in order to prevent Iran from possessing a nuclear weapon?

A: No. I believe in the Reagan philosophy - If you attack us, we win and you lose. I would add, have a nice day.

Source: Florida Congressional Election 2012 Political Courage Test Nov 1, 2012

Marco Rubio: There is no U.S. combat role in Ukraine; use sanctions

I want it to be clear. There is no U.S. combat role in Ukraine. There isn't going to be one. I don't know of anyone who supports it, not even the Ukrainians. That said, I think that Vladimir Putin has to pay a high price if he does this, not just for him to pay the price, but for other countries to see the high price of doing that kind of thing and other leaders. His economy should be crippled and hurt badly.
Source: CBS Face the Nation on 2022 Florida Senate race Feb 6, 2022

Marco Rubio: A no-fly zone in Ukraine means World War III

A no-fly zone has become a catchphrase. I'm not sure a lot of people fully understand what that means. That means flying AWACs 24 hours a day. That means the willingness to shoot down and engagement Russian airplanes in the sky. That means you can't put those planes up there unless you're willing to knock out the anti-aircraft systems that the Russians have deployed, and not just in Ukraine, but in Russia and also in Belarus. So basically a no-fly zone means World War III.
Source: ABC This Week on 2022 Florida Senate race Mar 6, 2022

  • The above quotations are from State of Florida Politicians: Archives.
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