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Ralph Nader on VoteMatch |
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Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt & citation) |
topic 1:Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(+2 points on Social scale) | Supports NOW’s agenda on Reproductive Rights: Strongly Favors topic 1 Supports stem cell research: Favors topic 1 Roe v. Wade is not at risk, even from GOP Supreme Court: Favors topic 1 If Roe is reversed, decision just reverts to the states: Opposes topic 1 Threats to overturn Roe are “scare tactics”: Favors topic 1 No government role; let women privately decide: Favors topic 1 Roe v Wade is safe; GOP must back off pushing it: Favors topic 1 |
topic 2:Legally require hiring women & minorities
(-3 points on Economic scale) | End secret detentions & restore civil liberties: No opin. on topic 2 Women are still second-class citizens in school athletics: Favors topic 2 Questioned anti-female bias at 1950s Harvard Law School: Strongly Favors topic 2 Long history of fighting in sexual politics: Favors topic 2 |
Strongly Favors
topic 3:Comfortable with same-sex marriage
(+5 points on Social scale) | Get rid of gay discrimination fully, not halfway: Strongly Favors topic 3 Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is discriminatory against gays: Favors topic 3 Nader supports gay marriage; but gay groups support Gore: Strongly Favors topic 3 Nader supports gay marriage; but gay groups support Gore: Strongly Favors topic 3 Supports Civil Union in Vermont and elsewhere: Strongly Favors topic 3 |
topic 4:Keep God in the public sphere
(+2 points on Social scale) | Homelessness is peaking despite good economy: Opposes topic 4 Teach democratic principles & citizenship in schools: Opposes topic 4 Focus on civic & consumer education: Opposes topic 4 |
Strongly Favors
topic 5:Expand ObamaCare
(-5 points on Economic scale) | Billing fraud and abuse costs $200B: Favors topic 5 Single-payer health care plan over for-profit care: Strongly Favors topic 5 3.5% payroll tax to fund universal healthcare: Strongly Favors topic 5 Cradle-to-grave health care better than Clinton’s plan: Strongly Favors topic 5 US should adopt Canadian single-payer system: Strongly Favors topic 5 Use Canadian system as a model for US: Strongly Favors topic 5 Health care is a universal human right: Strongly Favors topic 5 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 6:Privatize Social Security
(-5 points on Economic scale) | Social Security is solid; pending bankruptcy is nonsense: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Social insurance is government at its noblest: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Social Security privatization replaces certainty with risk: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Fears loss of retirement funds in privatized investments: Strongly Opposes topic 6 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 7:Vouchers for school choice
(-5 points on Economic scale) | Standardized tests designed to show public schools failing: Strongly Opposes topic 7 Invest in K-12 education; that will reduce poverty: Strongly Opposes topic 7 Support choice within public schools: Strongly Opposes topic 7 Support choice within public schools: Favors topic 7 |
Strongly Favors
topic 8:Human needs over animal rights
(-5 points on Social scale) | Highway pork leads to sprawl, air pollution, global warming: Strongly Favors topic 8 Renewable energy is solution for global warming: Strongly Favors topic 8 End all commercial logging in National Forests: Strongly Favors topic 8 Ridiculous to sell public land for corporate gold mining: Strongly Favors topic 8 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 9:Stricter punishment reduces crime
(+5 points on Social scale) | Opposed 1996 expansion of the federal death penalty: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Decreasing unemployment reduces crime; not enforcement: Opposes topic 9 Death penalty does not deter: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Moratorium on executions: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Some executed by death penalty were innocent: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Death penalty does not deter & is discriminatory: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Focus on crime prevention instead of harsher sentences: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Police must follow the law too: Opposes topic 9 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 10:Absolute right to gun ownership
(-5 points on Economic scale) | Support Brady Bill & thoughtful gun control: Strongly Opposes topic 10 Supports trigger locks, licensing, & banning some guns: Strongly Opposes topic 10 |
Strongly Favors
topic 11:Higher taxes on the wealthy
(-5 points on Economic scale) | Stop tax cuts and start dealing with real problems: Strongly Favors topic 11 Put meat in the process of progressive taxation: Strongly Favors topic 11 More taxpayer input into tax & spending policy: Favors topic 11 Focus on under-taxation of corporations, not income tax: Strongly Favors topic 11 Against flat tax; keep progressivity: Strongly Favors topic 11 |
topic 12:Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(+2 points on Social scale) | Migrant workers are exploited; crack down on employers: Opposes topic 12 H1B visas in US cause “brain drain” in Third World: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Immigrants don’t come for welfare; restore safety net: Strongly Favors topic 12 Don’t blame immigrants for social and economic problems: Strongly Favors topic 12 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 13:Support & expand free trade
(-5 points on Economic scale) | In anti-globalization book, “The Case Against Free Trade”: Strongly Opposes topic 13 WTO makes trade supreme over labor, environment & consumers: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Free trade isn’t win-win: we’re exporting jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 13 NAFTA and GATT supersede national and state laws: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Renegotiate NAFTA & WTO “as if human beings mattered”: Strongly Opposes topic 13 It’s not free trade; it’s corporate-managed trade: Opposes topic 13 NAFTA failures: $50B Mexico bailout; 400,000 exported jobs: Opposes topic 13 WTO’s “trade uber alles” hurts environment, health, & safety: Strongly Opposes topic 13 |
No opinion on
topic 14:Maintain US sovereignty from UN
(0 points on Social scale) | (No votes on which to base response) |
Strongly Opposes
topic 15:Expand the military
(+5 points on Social scale) | Half of federal budget is now military spending: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Cut defense budget by $62B by reducing waste & fraud: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Stop spending on unneeded weapons & non-existent enemies: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Cut defense budget by $100B; time to demobilize: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Arms race is driven by corporate demand: Opposes topic 15 |
Strongly Favors
topic 16:Stricter limits on political campaign funds
(-5 points on Economic scale) | Public funding of campaigns would fight corporate control: Strongly Favors topic 16 Clean money means clean elections: Strongly Favors topic 16 Public campaign finance; 12-year term limits: Strongly Favors topic 16 |
topic 17:Stay out of Iran
(+2 points on Social scale) | Take troops out of Iraq: Favors topic 17 Rapid and responsible withdrawal of US military from Iraq: Strongly Favors topic 17 Bush should apologize for failing our troops: Favors topic 17 Bush should never have invaded Iraq: Strongly Favors topic 17 Support foreign peasants instead of foreign dictators: Opposes topic 17 Support social and economic justice across the globe: Favors topic 17 Assist Russia & Israel in moving towards better governments: Strongly Favors topic 17 Selling arms is not a good way to conduct foreign affairs: Opposes topic 17 |
Strongly Favors
topic 18:Prioritize green energy
(-5 points on Economic scale) | It is time to break our addiction to fossil fuels: Strongly Favors topic 18 End subsidies of entrenched oil, nuclear, & coal interests: Strongly Favors topic 18 More renewables & more efficency to stave off global warming: Strongly Favors topic 18 Raise CAFE standards; treat SUVs like cars: Strongly Favors topic 18 Motor vehicles are the greatest environmental hazard: Strongly Favors topic 18 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 19:Never legalize marijuana
(+5 points on Social scale) | The drug war has failed, despite $50B annually: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Legalize marijuana, and treat addiction as a health problem: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Remove industrial hemp from DEA drug list: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Replace Drug War with treatment and alternative sentencing: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Solution to addiction is information, not prohibition: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Rated A+ by VOTE-HEMP, indicating a pro-hemp voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 19 |
Strongly Favors
topic 20:Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(+5 points on Economic scale) | Sunshine on tax loopholes; sunset on tax breaks: Favors topic 20 Use surplus to rebuild country & provide for communal needs: Strongly Favors topic 20 Top priorities: Infrastructure; poverty; preventive health: Strongly Favors topic 20 Tax breaks for big business hurt families: Strongly Favors topic 20 Spend surplus on public works & infrastructure: Strongly Favors topic 20 Focus on under-taxation of corporations, not income tax: Strongly Favors topic 20 Reinvent democracy via new tools for citizen empowerment: Strongly Favors topic 20 |