Ross Perot on Corporations
1992 & 1996 Reform Party Nominee for President
Build something better and money follows
The best way to make money is not to have making money as your primary goal. I've seen great people primarily motivated to make money. Almost without exception, they failed. They missed the real essence of learning to do something well, of building
something better than anyone else.If you learn to do something better than anyone else, you will find that financial success comes as a byproduct. This has been certainly true in my case to a unique degree. Making money has never been one of my goals.
If we had set out to create a vehicle to make money, I don't believe we would have been successful at all. Instead, we set out to build a great company made up of great people.
Don't expect the financial rewards to come quickly or easily. You would
probably consider me to be quite successful at an early age. It took me 15 years to build up to an income that substantially exceeded our family's monthly needs. Unrealistic expectations can damage your effectiveness and potential.
Source: My Life & Principles for Success, by Ross Perotp.109-110
, Sep 25, 1996
Supports employee stock options and performance rewards
Create an environment where the hopes and dreams of every person can materialize if the company is successful.- Don't limit stock options to executives.
Make it possible for every employee to earn stock in your company by doing an outstanding job.
- Measure your success by how many people who work in your company become wealthy.
Recognize and reward performance.
- Listen, listen, listen to the people who do the work.
- Personally fire the people who steal, cheat, or take advantage of others.
Create a professional work environment where people are having fun while building the finest product or services.
Source: My Life & Principles for Success, by Ross Perotp.125
, Sep 25, 1996
Recruit people of all religions, races, and genders
Build a team of recruiters to go out and find a great team of people.- Look for people who have a record of achievement since childhood.
- Find people who love to win.
- The worst mistake you can make is to look for talent with a cookie-cutter
mentality: 5' 10" tall, blonde, blue eyes, master's degree, etc.
- Talent comes in all sizes, shapes, races, religions, and both sexes.
- If you find a talented person who has no college education, hire him. You won't be disappointed.
Develop a world-class training program to support your growth.
- A common trait of the most successful business people I know is that they were not defeated by failure.
- The only way to avoid failure is not to take risks!
- Never forget that
God made people imperfect.
- Accept the fact that every person has strengths and weaknesses.
- Play to their strengths.
- Accept their limitations.
Source: My Life & Principles for Success, by Ross Perotp.135-137
, Sep 25, 1996
Top US executives overpaid compared to foreign competitors
In Japan, the upper level managers earn about 18 times more than the average Japanese worker. In Germany, it’s about 25 times. In the US, the upper level managers in our largest corporations get paid almost 120 times more than the average
American worker earns.Theoretically, the compensation of most upper level management in US companies is tied to the performance of their company. But in fact, bonuses get paid even though the company didn’t have a good year.
That’s not good for the companies; that’s not good for stockholders; that’s not good for the country. It may be time for board members to exercise a lot more discretion when determining compensation for the managers of our domestic companies.
If these management guys want to make the really big bucks, they need to be TV anchormen, basketball players, or rock stars. Overpaying company executives damages morale and splits the team. Our overseas competitors understand this.
Source: Not For Sale At Any Price, by Ross Perot, p. 77
, Jul 2, 1993
Increase business fees and business tax collection
We need to improve the collection of taxes from foreign corporations doing business in the US. As it stands now, we might as well send invitations to set up operations in this country. Actually, through the help of their Washington lobbyists, foreign
companies often write their own invitations. We can pick up an additional $21 billion by improving the collection of taxes from foreign-owned companies doing business here.
We can save $16 billion a year by reducing the business entertainment deduction from 80% of the cost for entertainment to 50% of the cost.
We can bring in an extra $12 billion by increasing certain user fees and imposing new user fees for many of the
assets and services now provided by the federal government, such as the inland waterways and air traffic control services. We shouldn't be reluctant to charge a fair price for these items simply because we haven't done so in the past.
Source: Not For Sale At Any Price, by Ross Perot, p.103
, Apr 1, 1993
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Former Presidents/Veeps:
George W. Bush (R,2001-2009)
V.P.Dick Cheney
Bill Clinton (D,1993-2001)
V.P.Al Gore
George Bush Sr. (R,1989-1993)
Ronald Reagan (R,1981-1989)
Jimmy Carter (D,1977-1981)
Gerald Ford (R,1974-1977)
Richard Nixon (R,1969-1974)
Lyndon Johnson (D,1963-1969)
John F. Kennedy (D,1961-1963)
Dwight Eisenhower (R,1953-1961)
Harry_S_TrumanHarry S Truman(D,1945-1953)
Religious Leaders:
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Pope Francis
Political Thinkers:
Noam Chomsky
Milton Friedman
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Ayn Rand
Secy.Robert Reich
Joe Scarborough
Gov.Jesse Ventura
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Page last updated: Oct 28, 2021