Creigh Deeds on Energy & Oil
No cap-and-trade during recession
McDonnell said Virginia needs a governor who would resist congressional encroachment, citing the cap-and-trade proposal to limit greenhouse emissions and "card-check" legislation backed by labor.
Deeds said he would oppose cap-and-trade legislation if it would result in higher energy costs during a recession, a position that could trouble environmentalists in his party.
Source: Washington Post coverage: 2009 Virginia gubernatorial debate
, Jul 25, 2009
Focus on energy independence and reducing carbon emission
Creigh has a plan to make Virginia a leader in the new energy economy through targeted investments and a commitment to energy-based research.Creigh's focus is on creating jobs in the new energy economy, establishing energy independence and
reducing carbon emission. With a comprehensive approach to energy, targeted investments today, and a commitment to energy research, we can increase our energy independence and move towards a cleaner energy future.
Our energy plan also tackles issues surrounding transportation and the built environment by looking at the electrification of transportation, additional mass transportation capacity, and green technologies.
From his experiences at Douthat State Park-where he was a summer ranger in his youth-to his fight to clean up the Kim-Stan Landfill, Creigh has been a leader in preserving the environment.
Source: Campaign website, www.deedsforvirginia.com
, Jul 21, 2009
Page last updated: Nov 21, 2011