
Sam Brownback on Energy & Oil

Republican Sr Senator (KS)


New wind energy projects; make KS the Renewable State

We will build the expansion of the Holcomb power plant. Affordable energy and electricity exports will help underpin Kansas' 21st Century economy.

We will expand and start new wind energy projects in the state. If we do this right, we will see the development of a renewable energy corridor between Wichita and Salina that will provide jobs for rural Kansas and clean energy for the world. I want Kansas to be known as the not only as the Wheat state--but as the Renewable State.

Source: 2011 Kansas State of the State Address , Jan 12, 2011

Energy security: drill every place you can find resources

Q: Where do you draw the line? Do you support drilling/exploration off the coasts of Florida and California? A: I think you go in every place that you can to find resources. I put forward a proposal for us to be energy-secure--not independent, energy-secure--in 15 years. I don’t think it’s realistic for us to say we can be independent of every country around the world on oil supplies or on energy supplies in the near future, given our dependence and given the nature of what the global economy is like.

Q: On the issue of exploration, you said yes to the coast of Florida, and you say yes to ANWR?

A: I voted yes for ANWR, and I would support those in other places, environmentally sound. We have to do it in environmentally sound fashion.

Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan , Oct 9, 2007

Harvest grass on conservation land for ethanol production

A lot of land in our country is in the Conservation Reserve Program. There are about 40 million acres in long-term grass set aside. This includes land that serves as buffer zones next to rivers, and some of it erodes fairly easily if not properly cared for. My hope is that in the future we could harvest that grass for ethanol production. We could then leave the land in grass, and it would be serving a dual purpose--soil retention and the manufacture of cellulose-based fuels.

This is part of the energy and environment equation that can provide answers for the future of agriculture in this country. Using farm products in this way helps with our energy needs and our environmental concerns. Agriculture provides a carbon cycle that is essential to soil enrichment. As you release carbon dioxide (CO2) by burning ethanol, you're fixing CO2 by growing corn and grasses. You're creating a carbon cycle that is beneficial for the environment.

Source: From Power to Purpose, by Sam Brownback, p.184 , Jul 3, 2007

Get more biodiesel & biofuels into system to prevent $4 gas

Q: Should Americans resign themselves to $4 a gallon gasoline?

A: Absolutely not.

Q: How would you prevent that?

A: By us getting more supply in the system through biodiesel & biofuels, like ethanol from Kansas or Iowa. Us being able to drill more at home here in the US, and we can do this in places like ANWR safely, environmentally sound, but get the supply up here. And we have to work on more conservation. My family, we have a hybrid car. In that car you can get up to 42 miles to the gallon.

Source: 2007 Republican Debate in South Carolina , May 15, 2007

Voted YES on protecting middle-income taxpayers from a national energy tax.