Peter Camejo on Energy & Oil2004 former Reform Party nominee for Vice President; previously Candidate for CA Governor |
CAMEJO: The Green Party is the only party in California that are opposed to the deregulation of energy. The Democrats and Republicans voted unanimously, promising to lower instead it increased as we predicted would happen. I believe that we are in a complete crisis on the issue of energy, worldwide. I want to see California become the leader for renewable energy, the only real solution. We are setting ourselves up for future crisis by depending on natural gas whose prices will go through the ceiling as we run out of it. We have to import it. No effort is being made to solve this. We have to regulate the industry. The question is how to do it to do it right? The way that we have been deregulating is simply leading to corporations management taking the money and going into crisis and you always end up paying for it, as taxpayers and consumers. We need to change it and have a vision.