2004 former Reform Party nominee for Vice President; previously Candidate for CA Governor
SB-2 is a good start but we need $4 billion & single-payer
All advanced industrial countries have established universal health care. We're the only nation that hasn't. And we really have to realize that having the insurance business running our health care is not working. We have to turn to a single pair system.
I think SB-2 that John Burton has raised is a step in the right direction but not the real answer. Actually, if we did, a study done showing saving $7.3 billion in California. About $4 billion actually out of the budget and we'd have everybody covered.
We have got to learn from Canada and from Europe. There are things that other people can teach us. America is not always right at all.
And in fact, this is one of those issues where we have to move towards universal health care for everybody, single pair system. That's what we advocate and that's the whole world watching. Why America doesn't come to its senses on this.
Source: Recall Debate, Cal. State Univ. at Sacramento
Sep 24, 2003