Eric Brakey on Immigration | |
Brakey: Unclear on DACA. But says "We must put our citizens first."
King: Yes. Co-sponsored bill to create "a path to citizenship for Dreamers."
Ringelstein: Yes. "Make all DREAMers citizens."
Let me be clear: this is bankrupting us. We simply cannot afford it. When French and Irish immigrants arrived here in Maine, they came seeking opportunities to work, contribute and live the American dream. There were not taxpayer-financed welfare programs for non-citizens like we have today.
Since that time, however, the welfare state has grown. Today, you can arrive in Maine and be signed up for welfare benefits on day one. This is not how our system should function. Our immigration system is not a welfare program.
I will fight for common sense immigration policy. We cannot afford open borders and a welfare state. Its time for real welfare reform. And its time to secure our borders