Mia Love on Education
Local & parental control over schools, not federal
As a mother with three children enrolled in public schools, education is extremely important to me. American families want better quality education, lower education costs, and more local control over decisions related to education. In recent years the US
Department of Education has expanded the federal role in education to unprecedented levels. Utah--not the federal government--knows what is best for Utah's student. I trust Utah teachers & parents over Washington bureaucrats. These are my proposals to
address the problems surrounding education:- Return control of schools to local levels
- Support Utah's teachers by opposing one-size-fits-all federal programs that take flexibility away from innovative teachers
- Bring down the cost of college
tuition by allowing schools to compete for students and not allowing a federal government takeover of higher education
- Support the right of parents, local school districts, and the state of Utah to develop curriculum and set testing standards.
Source: 2014 Utah House campaign website, Love4Utah.com
, Aug 8, 2014
Disbanding the federal Department of Education
Love's proposed budget cuts would sap more than $100 million in federal funds to public education in Utah, including more than $38 million in special-education grants; nearly $21 million in grants to low-income Title I schools; and millions more for
other programs.Love has previously proposed disbanding the U.S. Department of Education and turning programs over to the states. How much would Mia Love's budget save?
- End K-12 subsidies: $52.7 billion nationally; $147 million in Utah
End college assistance: $33.1 billion nationally; $471 million in Utah
- Cut Earned Income Tax Credit in half: $22.5 billion nationally; $207 million in Utah
- End Environmental Protection Agency grants: $6.5 billion nationally; $36.3 million in Utah
- Eliminate Corporation for National & Community Service (includes AmeriCorps): $600 million nationally; $6 million in Utah
Source: Robert Gehrke in Salt Lake Tribune (Utah), "Million/billion"
, Sep 6, 2012
Love opposes the F2A survey question on education reforms
Faith2Action.org is "the nation's largest network of pro-family groups." They provide election resources for each state, including Voter Guides and Congressional Scorecards excerpted here.
The F2A survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: 'Education: Do you support requiring states to implement education reforms in order to be eligible for competitive federal grants?'
Source: Faith2Action Survey 14-F2A-Q7 on Sep 30, 2014
Love opposes the PVS survey question on education reforms
Project VoteSmart infers summary responses from campaign statements and news reports
The PVS survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: 'Education: Do you support requiring states to implement education reforms in order to be eligible for competitive federal grants?'
Source: Project VoteSmart Inferred Survey 14-PVS-q7 on Sep 30, 2014
Page last updated: Jun 29, 2017