Bart Baron on Free Trade
Republican Senate Challenger
Renegotiate trade treaties for a level playing field
TRADE PROBLEM: Our trade deficit with China has ballooned to over $260 billion annually. The $120 billion a year trade deficit with Mexico and Canada is unacceptable.SOLUTION: The House and Senate must renegotiate the trade treaties to put
us on a level playing field.
Source: Campaign website, www.bartbaron.com, "Issues"
Mar 9, 2008
What we need is not "free" trade but FAIR trade
What we need is not "free" trade but FAIR trade. A good deal is a deal where both parties benefit at equivalent rates, not where one party capitulates. Stop capitulating, America!Furthermore the $60-100 billion a year trade deficit with Mexico
and the $60-100 billion a year trade deficit with Canada are unacceptable. When we negotiate trade treaties such as NAFTA & GATT, we must get the best deal for the US, protect American jobs and secure the livelihood of American Working Families.
Source: Campaign website, www.bartbaron.com, "Issues"
Mar 9, 2008
Be fearful of Fast Track Authority
All Americans should be fearful of the "Fast Track Authority" given to the president to negotiate trade agreements. Fast Track Authority requires Congress to vote to accept the agreement negotiated by the President. How many more high paying
US Manufacturing & Engineering jobs will be sent overseas? Politicians in power initially tell us that this will create jobs. To the contrary, since the passage of NAFTA & the China Trade Treaty we have lost millions of good paying manufacturing jobs.
Source: Campaign website, www.bartbaron.com, "Issues"
Mar 9, 2008
Page last updated: Dec 02, 2008