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Joe Biden on VoteMatch

Former Vice President; previously Democratic Senator (DE)

VoteMatch Responses
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Based on these stances:
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Favors topic 1:
Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(+2 points on Social scale)
No public funding for abortion; it imposes a view: Opposes topic 1
Supports partial-birth abortion ban, but not undoing Roe: Opposes topic 1
Accepts Catholic church view that life begins at conception: Opposes topic 1
I accept church rule personally, but not in public life: Favors topic 1
Fact-Check: opposes Hyde Amendment, after decades of support: Strongly Favors topic 1
Unequivocal support for abortion rights; Congress must act: Strongly Favors topic 1
Roe v. Wade is under attack as never before: Strongly Favors topic 1
If Congress passes a national abortion ban, I will veto it: Strongly Favors topic 1
Rated 36% by NARAL, indicating a mixed voting record on abortion: Neutral on topic 1
Expand embryonic stem cell research: Favors topic 1
Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance: Strongly Favors topic 1
Protect the reproductive rights of women: Strongly Favors topic 1
Ensure access to and funding for contraception: Favors topic 1
Favors topic 2:
Legally require hiring women & minorities
(-3 points on Economic scale)
1978: opposed busing except for gov't-intended segregation: Opposes topic 2
1976: Opposed school busing to combat segregation: Opposes topic 2
Endorsed diverse slate of candidates for Congress: Favors topic 2
1970s: Desegregating society ok, but not via school busing: Opposes topic 2
Opposed to quota-systems; they insure mediocrity: Opposes topic 2
1962: only white lifeguard at pool of African-American kids: Favors topic 2
Delivered eulogy for segregationist Senator Strom Thurmond: Opposes topic 2
Will be mindful of changing social norms & personal space: Favors topic 2
I didn't praise racists; pro-civil rights as public defender: Strongly Favors topic 2
I didn't oppose busing; I opposed DOE ordering it: Favors topic 2
Made commitment to have women on Senate Judiciary Committee: Strongly Favors topic 2
Require suburbs to open up to low-income housing: Strongly Favors topic 2
Madam Speaker, Madam Vice President--it's about time: Strongly Favors topic 2
New standard to reinstate college affirmative action: Strongly Favors topic 2
1970s: outspoken Senate critic of school desegregation: Strongly Opposes topic 2
I oppose school busing because it fails, not for racism: Opposes topic 2
1990: Pushed through Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): Strongly Favors topic 2
Gender Policy Council: promote gender-affirming care: Strongly Favors topic 2
I first got involved in politics to fight red-lining: Strongly Favors topic 2
Help minorities buy homes, start businesses, amass wealth: Strongly Favors topic 2
Issue a commemorative postage stamp of Rosa Parks: Favors topic 2
Rated 100% by the NAACP, indicating a pro-affirmative-action stance: Strongly Favors topic 2
Re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment: Strongly Favors topic 2
Strongly Favors topic 3:
Support transgender and LGBTQ+ rights
(+5 points on Social scale)
Nobody asks if you're gay in a foxhole: Strongly Favors topic 3
No on gay marriage; yes on equal treatment: Opposes topic 3
No on gay marriage; yes on equal treatment: Opposes topic 3
Inalienable rights cannot be denied by any majority: Strongly Favors topic 3
I'm "absolutely comfortable" with same-sex marriage: Strongly Favors topic 3
I'm "absolutely comfortable" with same-sex marriage: Strongly Favors topic 3
I supported gay marriage and got criticized for saying so: Strongly Favors topic 3
Marriage is all about "who do you love", of whatever gender: Strongly Favors topic 3
No job discrimination for transgender status: Strongly Favors topic 3
No transgendered discrimination by healthcare providers: Strongly Favors topic 3
More funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes: Strongly Favors topic 3
Rated 78% by the HRC, indicating a pro-gay-rights stance: Strongly Favors topic 3
Opposes topic 4:
America was founded on Christian values
(+2 points on Social scale)
Find purpose in family tragedy: Favors topic 4
No faith-based initiative; it ain't broke, so don't fix it: Strongly Opposes topic 4
Rated 16% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-Family-Value voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 4
Strongly Favors topic 5:
Expand ObamaCare
(-5 points on Economic scale)
COVID: Mask mandate is about saving lives: Strongly Favors topic 5
Start with catastrophic insurance and insuring all kids: Favors topic 5
Start paying for universal coverage with $100B in redundancy: Strongly Favors topic 5
Expand ObamaCare, but not Medicare-for-All: Favors topic 5
Build on ObamaCare, with Medicare buy-in: Strongly Favors topic 5
Cover undocumented immigrants to reduce overall cost of care: Strongly Favors topic 5
Public option under ObamaCare covers vast majority for $750B: Favors topic 5
Limit co-pays to $1,000; keep your own insurance: Favors topic 5
Future of healthcare is biopharma; control those prices: Favors topic 5
Biden plan has public option; thinking otherwise is malarkey: Favors topic 5
I have only plan limiting insurance companies: Favors topic 5
2016: "I played a small part" in work on ObamaCare: Strongly Favors topic 5
Would bring back the individual mandate: Strongly Favors topic 5
We can beat cancer: invest more money in research: Strongly Favors topic 5
Restore all cuts made to ObamaCare, then add more: Strongly Favors topic 5
Public option for ObamaCare; $50 billion for research: Strongly Favors topic 5
COVID19: make sure there's free testing & free treatment: Strongly Favors topic 5
Lower Medicare eligibility age to 60: Strongly Favors topic 5
Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax: Favors topic 5
Rated 100% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record: Strongly Favors topic 5
Strongly Opposes topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Where would elderly be now if funds were in stock market?: Strongly Opposes topic 6
Freeze entitlements; don't favor special interests: Neutral on topic 6
6.2% FICA tax on all earnings over $400,000: Opposes topic 6
Protect Social Security & Medicare: "You have my word": Strongly Opposes topic 6
Won't allow Social Security or Medicare to be taken away: Strongly Opposes topic 6
Rated 89% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 6
Strongly Opposes topic 7:
Vouchers for school choice
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Voting for No Child Left Behind was a mistake: Opposes topic 7
Single statewide school district tax, for equal distribution: Opposes topic 7
3X money for Title I schools; free community college tuition: Strongly Opposes topic 7
Your zip code shouldn't matter in access to a good education: Strongly Opposes topic 7
Rated 91% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes: Strongly Opposes topic 7
Strongly Opposes topic 8:
Businesses have a right to pollute
(+5 points on Social scale)
Cause of global warming is clearly Man-made: Strongly Opposes topic 8
Scored 80% on Humane Society Scorecard on animal protection: Strongly Opposes topic 8
Develop new nuclear technologies: Favors topic 8
WOTUS: clean water rules create rural jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 8
End commercial whaling and illegal trade in whale meat: Strongly Opposes topic 8
Rated 95% by the LCV, indicating pro-environment votes: Strongly Opposes topic 8
EPA must do better on mercury clean-up: Opposes topic 8
Strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting: Strongly Opposes topic 8
Favors topic 9:
Stricter punishment reduces crime
(-3 points on Social scale)
Supports sentencing guidelines to put away violent criminals: Strongly Favors topic 9
Biden Law of 1994 created several new capital offenses: Strongly Favors topic 9
1970: DE Public not receiving needed police protection: Favors topic 9
1990 crime bill: more police & tougher penalties: Strongly Favors topic 9
1990s: Supported tough-on-crime; 2019:considers those racist: Favors topic 9
Regrets supporting strict sentences, including on crack: Opposes topic 9
1993: Don't care why "predators" act; put them in jail: Strongly Favors topic 9
1994 Crime Bill got help for first time offenders, not jail: Opposes topic 9
1992: pro-death penalty; 2019: congrats on ending it: Opposes topic 9
1994: Billions for state prisons but fewer billions than GOP: Strongly Favors topic 9
In 1990s we released 38,000 inmates, changed police rules: Opposes topic 9
1994 Crime bill had community policing and crime went down: Opposes topic 9
Ten times the return for every dollar spent fighting fraud: Favors topic 9
1981: Militarized domestic police against drugs: Strongly Favors topic 9
Treating crack, powdered cocaine differently was an unjust: Strongly Opposes topic 9
Harsh sentences for crack were a mistake; worked to rectify: Opposes topic 9
Greatest terror threat to America is domestic terror: Strongly Favors topic 9
Rated 71% by CURE, indicating pro-rehabilitation crime votes: Strongly Opposes topic 9
Increase funding for "COPS ON THE BEAT" program: Opposes topic 9
Reduce recidivism by giving offenders a Second Chance: Opposes topic 9
Permanent crime database for volunteers with kids: Favors topic 9
Sponsored bill to abolish federal death penalty: Strongly Opposes topic 9
Strongly Opposes topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Keep assault weapons ban; close gun show loophole: Strongly Opposes topic 10
Moral obligation to diminish senseless gun violence: Strongly Opposes topic 10
Public supports gun control; Congress has not caught up: Strongly Opposes topic 10
I'm the guy who got the Brady Bill passed: Strongly Opposes topic 10
I beat the NRA twice: AR-15s & high-capacity magazines: Strongly Opposes topic 10
I go skeet-shooting, badly, and my sons go bird-hunting: Favors topic 10
Close loopholes in Federal gun background check system: Opposes topic 10
Rated F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 10
Strongly Favors topic 11:
Higher taxes on the wealthy
(-5 points on Economic scale)
1972 Senate race: Opposed capital gains tax cut: Strongly Favors topic 11
Double the capital gains tax: Strongly Favors topic 11
Take away $85B in annual tax cuts for 1% of top earners: Strongly Favors topic 11
Millionaires pay more; middle class pays less: Strongly Favors topic 11
Surtax on earnings over $1 million seems fair to us: Strongly Favors topic 11
Economic inequity worsened by tax cuts for the wealthy: Strongly Favors topic 11
Undo 2017 tax cut, eliminate "stepped-up basis loophole": Favors topic 11
Past time for wealthy & corporations to pay their fair share: Strongly Favors topic 11
Raise taxes for anybody making over $400K, not mom & pop: Strongly Favors topic 11
FactCheck: tax hike on top 1%, not on all American families: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Repeal high-income excess business losses tax cut: Strongly Favors topic 11
Middle class makes us strong, give hope to poor: Favors topic 11
Rated 15% by NTU, indicating a "Big Spender" on tax votes: Strongly Favors topic 11
Rated 100% by the CTJ, indicating support of progressive taxation: Strongly Favors topic 11
Strongly Favors topic 12:
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(+5 points on Social scale)
Repair US relations with Central America's Northern Triangle: Favors topic 12
Revive Alliance for Prosperity with Central America: Favors topic 12
It's impractical to deport 14 million illegal immigrants: Favors topic 12
Oppose granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants: Opposes topic 12
H1-B visas only for jobs Americans can't do: Opposes topic 12
Supported Bush plan: both border fence & path to citizenship: Strongly Favors topic 12
Allow citizenship for DREAMers: Strongly Favors topic 12
Focus on refugee asylum seekers at home in Northern Triangle: Strongly Favors topic 12
Reunite families; end outrageous treatment: Favors topic 12
Bring in asylum seekers & DREAMers AND secure border: Strongly Favors topic 12
Problem is Trump, not criminalizing illegal border crossings: Strongly Favors topic 12
We've been able to cherry pick the best of every culture: Opposes topic 12
Seeking asylum isn't an illegal border crossing; assist them: Strongly Favors topic 12
Make DACA permanent; much work remains to be done: Strongly Favors topic 12
First thing I'll do is send Congress an immigration bill: Strongly Favors topic 12
No one would be deported who hasn't committed a felony: Strongly Favors topic 12
Promised 125,000 refugees; but accepted fewer than Trump: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Rated 8% by USBC, indicating an open-border stance: Strongly Favors topic 12
Opposes topic 13:
Support & expand free trade
(-3 points on Economic scale)
Either we run world trade or China will: Favors topic 13
President's job is to create jobs, not to export jobs: Opposes topic 13
No trade agreements without workers' & environmental rights: Opposes topic 13
Opposes fast-track to protect labor rights: Strongly Opposes topic 13
Shut down any imports of toys from China: Strongly Opposes topic 13
Built environmental and labor standards in trade agreements: Opposes topic 13
Countervailing duties against unfair trade practices: Strongly Opposes topic 13
Competition with China pushes for better products & policies: Favors topic 13
Comprehensive transatlantic trade agreement is within reach: Strongly Favors topic 13
Labor should be involved in renegotiating NAFTA/USMCA: Opposes topic 13
US must take lead on free trade, but deal with uneven impact: Neutral on topic 13
Use tariffs to get China to pay the price for pollution: Opposes topic 13
Push for agreements that don't hurt consumers or business: Favors topic 13
Reinstate Trump's 10% tariffs on aluminum from UAE: Strongly Opposes topic 13
Ban trade from Xinjiang; plus diplomatic boycott of Olympics: Strongly Opposes topic 13
Prepare workers for new jobs and they'll support free trade: Strongly Favors topic 13
Rated 42% by CATO, indicating a mixed record on trade issues: Neutral on topic 13
Opposes topic 14:
Stay away from the UN & Globalism
(-3 points on Economic scale)
New World Order should not mean US fights for the UN: Favors topic 14
An internationalist as Foreign Relations Committee chair: Strongly Opposes topic 14
Opposition to European alliances like NATO is dumb: Strongly Opposes topic 14
US can't do it alone: stay engaged in the world: Strongly Opposes topic 14
We can no longer police the whole world: Strongly Opposes topic 14
Moral self-interest in defending Israel & Western Europe: Favors topic 14
Create secure, democratic, middle-class Western Hemisphere: Opposes topic 14
Russia vs. Ukraine: Big country beating up a smaller one: Opposes topic 14
Work with NATO, with U.S. as the indispensable leader: Favors topic 14
Russia wants to break up NATO; work with Turkey to keep it: Opposes topic 14
The days of cozying up to dictators is over: Strongly Opposes topic 14
America First means America Alone: Strongly Opposes topic 14
Refugee policy is an embarrassment: Strongly Opposes topic 14
We are in a battle for the soul of this nation: Favors topic 14
Better positioned than any country to own 21st century: Favors topic 14
We have a great purpose: to be a light to the world again: Favors topic 14
There's nothing beyond the capacity of the American people: Strongly Favors topic 14
The story of America is unique among all nations: Strongly Favors topic 14
Apply habeas corpus to Guantanamo detainees: Strongly Opposes topic 14
Restore habeas corpus for detainees in the War on Terror: Opposes topic 14
Favors topic 15:
Peace through Strength
(-3 points on Social scale)
Missile defense is perfect metaphor for neo-isolationism: Opposes topic 15
Universal national service, in military or Peace Corps: Favors topic 15
We spend same in 3 weeks in Iraq as 7 years in Afghanistan: Opposes topic 15
Special Forces instead of M1 tanks: Strongly Opposes topic 15
Boost the defense budget: Strongly Favors topic 15
We used National Guard for Ebola; use for new pandemic too: Strongly Favors topic 15
More benefits to veterans for toxic exposures: Strongly Favors topic 15
Rated 80% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 15
Strongly Favors topic 16:
Make voter registration easier
(+5 points on Social scale)
Push plan to make voting machinery & process secure: Favors topic 16
Commit to appointing a Black woman to the Supreme Court: Strongly Favors topic 16
Statehood good for Puerto Rico, and our whole country: Strongly Favors topic 16
Not sure on all-mail voting, but start planning for it: Strongly Favors topic 16
Former president wants to suppress vote & subvert elections: Favors topic 16
Protect electoral process from disinformation: Strongly Favors topic 16
Favors topic 17:
Stay out of foreign wars
(+2 points on Social scale)
ISIS will come here if they take over Iraq and Syria: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Voted for Iraq war in 2002, but now a war critic: Strongly Favors topic 17
Change the fundamental premise of Iraq engagement: Strongly Favors topic 17
Fund the safety of the troops till 67 anti-war votes reached: Opposes topic 17
Never de-fund a single soldier in Iraq: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Worth losing election to protect our troops: Strongly Opposes topic 17
We will end Iraq War; McCain has no end in sight: Strongly Favors topic 17
1998: only way to remove Saddam is massive military effort: Strongly Favors topic 17
No vital interest in Kuwait in 1990; like Vietnam in 1972: Strongly Favors topic 17
1990: One man deciding to go to war is tyranny: Strongly Favors topic 17
Proud of involvement in winding down Iraq war: Favors topic 17
Withdraw US troops continuously from Afghanistan until 2014: Favors topic 17
Out of Afghanistan in 2014, period: Strongly Favors topic 17
Prevent--not contain--Iranian nuclear weapon: Favors topic 17
US should stand up to aggression of dictators: Strongly Opposes topic 17
With US troops in Korea, we are too committed to war: Opposes topic 17
Will track terrorists to end of the earth: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Vietnam war was horrendous waste based on a flawed premise: Strongly Favors topic 17
1993: Arm the victims: end the Bosnian embargo: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Inviolate borders for Ukraine; no spheres of influence: Favors topic 17
Supported wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, but not Iran: Opposes topic 17
Iran has some fissile material, but no nuclear weapons: Favors topic 17
I got 150,000 troops out of Iraq; do same in Afghanistan: Strongly Favors topic 17
Afghanistan must never again be haven for al Qaeda: Strongly Opposes topic 17
End "forever wars" in Afghanistan & Middle East: Strongly Favors topic 17
Pull troops out of Mideast, except to patrol Gulf and ISIS: Opposes topic 17
U.S. forces out of Iraq, by whatever path led there fastest: Strongly Favors topic 17
America is united in support of Ukraine as long as it takes: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Multi-year commitment to Africa for food & medicine: Strongly Favors topic 17
No troop surge: no military escalation in Iraq: Strongly Favors topic 17
Opposes letter to Iran from 47 GOP Senators: keep nuke deal: Favors topic 17
Strongly Favors topic 18:
Prioritize green energy
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Make every automobile sold be a flex-fuel automobile: Strongly Favors topic 18
I have supported clean coal for 25 years: Opposes topic 18
Pushed cap-and-trade early; but $90B tax credits passed: Strongly Favors topic 18
Rejoin and raise standards of Paris Climate Accord: Favors topic 18
500,000 charging stations so we're all-electric by 2030: Strongly Favors topic 18
Start on climate change now; do more as things change: Favors topic 18
I wrote the first climate change bill in the Congress: Strongly Favors topic 18
Transition to renewable energy; allow fracking for now: Favors topic 18
Working on climate change can create 10 million jobs: Strongly Favors topic 18
Full electric vehicle future by 2030: Strongly Favors topic 18
Good-paying jobs via new green infrastructure: Favors topic 18
Keep efficient air conditioner rule to conserve energy: Strongly Favors topic 18
Establish greenhouse gas tradeable allowances: Strongly Favors topic 18
Rated 83% by the CAF, indicating support for energy independence: Favors topic 18
Sponsored bill raising CAFE by a 4% per year until 2018: Strongly Favors topic 18
Fund nanomaterial research project for car batteries: Favors topic 18
Sign on to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: Strongly Favors topic 18
Designate sensitive ANWR area as protected wilderness: Favors topic 18
Let states define stricter-than-federal emission standards: Strongly Favors topic 18
Favors topic 19:
Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-3 points on Social scale)
Created nation's Drug Czar Office & drug courts: Strongly Favors topic 19
Divert drug offenders out of prison system: Strongly Opposes topic 19
Increase penalties for dealing drugs near schools: Favors topic 19
Took lead on drug policy & narcotics control: Strongly Favors topic 19
1988: Crafted new law creating national Drug Czar: Strongly Favors topic 19
1990 crime bill: tougher penalties for drug offenders: Strongly Opposes topic 19
Never touched beer, alcohol, cigarettes, or pot: Favors topic 19
1989: Bush didn't go far enough in War on Drugs: Strongly Favors topic 19
Proud of backing tough drug laws & penalties: Strongly Favors topic 19
Nobody should be in jail for smoking marijuana: Opposes topic 19
2000s: mandatory minimum for marijuana; 2019: decriminalize: Strongly Opposes topic 19
Supports marijuana decriminalization, not legalization: Favors topic 19
Long record of opposing marijuana legalization: Strongly Favors topic 19
Forbid government study of legalization: Strongly Favors topic 19
People arrested for drugs should go to rehab, not prison: Strongly Opposes topic 19
US should focus on disrupting Afghanistan drug trade: Strongly Favors topic 19
Not nearly enough evidence on marijuana as gateway drug: Favors topic 19
No one should be going to jail because they're drug addicts: Opposes topic 19
Will fight for policy of decriminalizing marijuana: Opposes topic 19
Work with couriers like Fed Ex to inspect for fentanyl: Strongly Favors topic 19
Rename "Drug Abuse" institute as "Diseases of Addiction": Opposes topic 19
End harsher sentencing for crack vs. powder cocaine: Opposes topic 19
Enhance interdiction by criminalizing unflagged submarines: Favors topic 19
Strongly Favors topic 20:
Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Invest in new programs by ending war & eliminating tax cuts: Favors topic 20
Bail out Fannie & Freddie, fairly, to stabilize market: Strongly Favors topic 20
$90B stimulus program had only 0.4% waste: Strongly Favors topic 20
I got GOP Senators to vote for stimulus & other funding: Favors topic 20
Recovery package must provide state aid, hazard pay: Strongly Favors topic 20
ARPA tackles urgent public health and economic crises: Strongly Favors topic 20
Blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America: Strongly Favors topic 20
Auto bailout saved a million American jobs: Strongly Favors topic 20
Couldn't afford living at minimum wage; advocates raising it: Strongly Favors topic 20
Extending unemployment benefits is the American way: Strongly Favors topic 20
$15 an hour is too little for healthcare workers: Favors topic 20
Middle class is U.S. economic engine and needs tax cuts: Opposes topic 20
Tax revenue increases must be part of budget deal: Strongly Favors topic 20

Joe Biden is a Populist-Leaning Liberal
(Click for details)

Other candidates' VoteMatch: Joe Biden on the issues:
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Former Pres.Donald Trump (R nominee)
Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (VP nominee)
Ryan Binkley (R-TX)
Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND)
Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ)
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)
Larry Elder (R-CA;withdrew)
Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC)
Rep. Will Hurd (R-FL;withdrew)
Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR)
Perry Johnson (R-IL)
Mayor Steve Laffey (R-RI)
Former V.P.Mike Pence (R-IN;withdrew)
Vivek Ramaswamy (R-OH)
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)
Secy. Corey Stapleton (R-MT)
Mayor Francis Suarez (R-FL;withdrew)

2024 Democratic and 3rd-party primary candidates:
Pres. Joe Biden (D-DE)
V.P.Kamala Harris (D-CA)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (I-NY)
Chase Oliver (L-GA)
Rep.Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Green Party)
Kanye West (Birthday Party)
Marianne Williamson (D-CA)

Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

About Joe Biden:

Page last updated: Jul 21, 2024; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and