Dave Brownlow on Health CareConstitution Party Senate Challenger |
A: DO NOT SUPPORT--we will spend $600 billion on Medicare/Medicaid next year. When is enough, enough?
The reason our founders documented the vested powers to the level of detail they did, is because they intended to keep Congress very well controlled and with very limited powers.
Conspicuously missing from these specific powers is any authority over education, health care, food distribution, housing, foreign aid, farming, transportation, spotted owls, retirement, job creation, energy production, space exploration, "family planning", day care, the "arts", etc. Congress needs to be restricted to the powers expressly granted to it in the Constitution.
Members of Congress have been breaking the law on a daily basis by usurping powers that belong to the states and the people. It is time to take that power back!
Everyone deserves access to affordable health care--which is clearly not happening today. However, forcing private hospitals to treat indigent patients for free is not a solution.
We Oregonians are a kind and generous people. We are not going to stand idly by if our neighbors are sick and in need of help. The Oregon Health Plan will spend some $14 billion over the next two years helping 350,000 Oregonians who do not have private health insurance. If the federal government [was kept out], there would be plenty of money left in our pockets so we could do an even better job taking care of our own.