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Linda Lingle on EnvironmentRepublican Governor (HI) |
The debt load required to finance the rail project is likely to push annual debt service levels for Honolulu well past its current 20% of budget guideline.
I also have a serious concern with the City's over-reliance on the federal government to provide a significant portion of the construction funding. Without a guaranteed federal contribution of nearly $1.8 billion, the potential exists for this financial burden to fall upon the shoulders of Hawaii taxpayers.
To be clear, I support a mass transit project that fits our community, one that can be adapted to population growth patterns, and one that is fiscally sound.
H.R. 2941 Brownfields Redevelopment Enhancement Act.
Republican Main Street Partnership Congresswomen Marge Roukema (NJ), Sue Kelly (NY), and Melissa Hart (PA) as well as Congressman Paul Gillmor (PA) have introduced legislation providing a new source of funding for improving former industrial sites. H.R. 2941 reauthorizes the Brownfields Remediation Grant Program as well as creating a new loan program for brownfields redevelopment. The pilot program encourages cities to tap private loans for civic improvements by using the federal grants as collateral. The bill allows for Community Development Block Grants to be used in industrial site clean up as well.
H.R. 2438/H.R. 2694 Department of Environmental Protection Act.
Republican Main Street Partnership members Sherwood Boehlert (NY) and Steve Horn (CA) each have introduced legislation that would elevate the position of Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to that of cabinet level. Initially, the EPA served as a regulatory agency, but as a result of numerous statutes enacted by Congress, the agency's jurisdiction has swelled. Each bill would redesignate the EPA as the Department of Environmental Protection. RMSP supports the efforts of Congressman Vern Ehlers to include a deputy administrator for science within the department.