John Brunner on Corporations
Eliminate regulations which strangle our job creators
While there are painfully few people in Congress who have ever created a job, I've spent my entire career creating family-supporting jobs. Our country is losing its manufacturing base and has adopted policies that stifle economic growth and job creation.
More government spending and higher taxes are not the answer. By getting government out of the way, the
American free enterprise system can do what it does best: generate more jobs than any other system in the history of the world.
My plan is to eliminate bureaucratic regulations which strangle our job creators and reduce the tax burden on businesses and family farms.
Source: 2012 Senate campaign website, johnbrunner.com, "Issues"
, Jun 4, 2012
Served as CEO of personal care products manufacturer
Brunner touted his experience in the private sector, where he served as CEO of personal care products manufacturer Vi-Jon. In the private sector, he said, he learned the skills needed to unseat McCaskill, such as surrounding himself with "a great team."
He said, "You have to have a great message, and a great message is not another career politician."Akin, a six-term congressman, took exception. "If I were a career politician, I'd stay in a safe congressional district, wouldn't I? I don't think the
Senate is the place for on-the-job training," he said.
Steelman responded that Brunner has surrounded himself with high-priced political consultants who are likely telling him that the winning message is painting his opponents as career politicians.
Brunner, who has poured more than $2 million of his own money into his campaign, called Akin's remarks about on-the-job training "political talk." His opponents' recent job experience "is a little different than being on the production line," he said.
Source: Columbia Daily Tribune on 2012 Missouri Senate debate
, Apr 22, 2012
Page last updated: Jul 15, 2017