Ken Spaulding on Homeland Security | |
Some Democrats said they can no longer support Cooper and might consider his primary opponent, Ken Spaulding, who issued a statement saying he disagrees with both McCrory and Cooper:
"The vetting and security measures taken by our federal government usually take 18 to 24 months or more before a person is allowed to settle in our country as a refugee. This coupled with proper and effective state enforcement of our laws does provide a sound basis for our citizens' protection and security. So no, I do not agree with Gov. Pat McCrory's and Attorney General Roy Cooper's call for a 'pause,' which is based on political popularity and not the facts. A year and a half to two full years with the current ongoing federal comprehensive vetting is already taking place."
Therefore, we should stand tall for our veterans and find ways to show our appreciation through meaningful public policy. One way this can be done on the state level is to assure our veterans a "no tuition cost" community college education. This opportunity for training and retraining of our veterans is a no-brainer.
The technical and structured training acquired by veterans while in service, coupled with their skills attained in our armed services compliment the curriculum offered by our community colleges. Honing skills, training and retraining in the state's community colleges will not only benefit the individual veteran, but will also benefit our state with meaningful civilian job preparation as veterans transition to civilian life.