
Mike Parson on Free Trade



Invest in semiconductor manufacturing, won't rely on China

A serious hurdle for our manufacturing companies here in Missouri and across the nation is the semiconductor chip supply chain. To address this issue?for the first time?we are dedicating $25 million dollars for research, program development, and training to increase our competitiveness for semiconductor manufacturing right here in Missouri. The last thing we want is to rely on China when we CAN and WILL do it right here in Missouri.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Missouri legislature , Jan 18, 2023

Missouri shouldn't rely on other countries & other states

On free trade: "Never again will I be dependent totally on foreign countries or companies outside of the state of Missouri," Parson said. "We've got too many opportunities in this state, too many good people, and next time we're going to be prepared with our own state companies to take care of Missourians and not be dependent on other states and other countries to meet our needs."
Source: Bolivar Herald-Free Press on 2020 Missouri governor race , Apr 17, 2020

European trip to promote trade & investment in Missouri

Parson embarked on his first Trade Mission to Europe to engage with leaders and attract new business to Missouri. The Governor will make several stops in France, Germany, and Switzerland. "International trade and investment play a critical role in our state's economy," Parson said. "We must continue to build upon our foreign relationships and promote Missouri as an ideal location for business in order to sustain economic growth and success."
Source: 2019 Governor press release: "Trade Mission to Europe" , Jun 14, 2019

Credits Trump for ending Japan restrictions on US beef