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Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

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2024 Delaware Gubernatorial race: debates and news coverage

(Click for external website)

    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from 2024 DE Governor's race (number of quotes indicated):
  • Bethany Hall-Long (17) Delaware Democratic Challenger
  • John Carney (4) Delaware Democratic candidate for Governor
  • Matt Meyer (17) Delaware Democratic Challenger
  • Mike Ramone (15) Delaware Republican candidate for Governor
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.

    Delaware 2024 Gubernatorial debates and race coverage:
  • On 2024 Delaware Gubernatorial race, "NORML Smoke the Vote" (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), downloaded Aug. 8, 2024, John Carney (Link) vs. Mike Ramone (Link)
  • The University of Delaware Review, "Mike Ramone, one of Delaware's leading Republicans, is running for Governor," by Ethan Grandin, May 10, 2024, (Link)
  • Cape Gazette, "Democrats are using bully tactics," by Reps. Mike Ramone and Lyndon Yearick, December 26, 2023, (Link)
  • WMDT ABC-TV-47, "Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long launches bid for Governor with a focus on Delaware's working class," by Rob Petree, September 12, 2023, (Link)
  • Lt. Gov. Press Release: "Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long Issues Call to Action for Reproductive Freedom on Anniversary of Dobbs Decision," June 23, 2023, (Link)
  • Delaware Public Media, "Matt Meyer launches his bid for Governor," by Tom Byrne & Joe Irizarry, June 6, 2023, (Link)
  • Delaware Business Times, "NCC Exec. Meyer announces run for governor," by Jacob Owens, June 6, 2023, (Link)
  • Town Square Delaware, "New Castle County OKs $331.4M budget, lowers property tax," by Sam Haut, May 26, 2023, (Link)
  • WDEL 1150 AM, "We've reached the mountaintop: reaction as marijuana bills become law," by Mark Fowser, Apr 21, 2023, (Link)
  • Delaware Public Media, "New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer delivers 2024 budget address, proposes 5% residential property tax credit," by Rachel Sawicki, March 28, 2023, (Link)
  • Wilmington News Journal (Delaware Online), "We must make foreign policy work for the people of Delaware," by Matt Meyer and Carla Stone, Feb. 10, 2023, (Link)
  • Delaware Live, "Legislators call for means testing for property tax credits," by Jarek Rutz, February 6, 2023, (Link)
  • WHYY, "Delaware proclamation aims to 'shine a light' on dangers of antisemitism," by Johnny Perez-Gonzalez, December 21, 2022, (Link)
  • Delaware Public Media, "The new Center for Diversity, Inclusion & Social Equity opens," by Quinn Kirkpatrick, December 14, 2022, (Link)
  • Twitter @bethanyhalllong, "Dr. Bethany Hall-Long," July 1, 2022, (Link)
  • 2024_DE_Gov: Delaware News Journal, "Breaking from Carney, Delaware lieutenant governor says she supports marijuana legalization," by Meredith Newman, May 26, 2022, (Link)
  • Town Square Live, "Carney calls up National Guard to staff state home for disabled," by Betsy Price, May 23, 2022, (Link)
  • WITN-22-News, "Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long...and the Delaware Council on Faith Based Leadership Collect Essential Supplies to aid Ukraine," May 18, 2022, (Link)
  • WDEL 1150 AM, "100% disabled vets in New Castle County no longer have to pay property taxes," by DJ McAneny, May 12, 2022, (Link)
  • WHYY, "Historic vote in Delaware: House approves marijuana legalization," by Cris Barrish, May 5, 2022, (Link)
  • Facebook posting by Governor John Carney (D-DE), June 4, 2021, (Link)
  • Delaware Business Times, "In the C-Suite: Matt Meyer, New Castle County Executive," by Jacob Owens, December 7, 2020, (Link)
  • WDEL News, "Meyer is subject of ethics complaint filed by NCC police officer who sent 'offensive' email," by Amy Cherry, Aug 5, 2020, (Link)
  • WHYY (NPR), "Delaware's only Muslim cemetery can resume burials after cease-and-desist order lifted," by Zoe Read, March 4, 2020, (Link)
  • WHYY, "Delaware leaders pledge their openness to refugees, asylum-seekers," by Mark Eichmann, December 19, 2019, (Link)
  • Delaware Business Times, "Seven Questions with Matt Meyer: 'We will manage. And we will thrive'," December 9, 2019, (Link)
  • Washington Blade, "Republican co-sponsors Delaware marriage bill," by Michael K. Lavers, April 18, 2013, (Link)

 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Bethany Hall-Long: Attacks on reproductive justice are a threat to all of us.
    Mike Ramone: Keep abortion legal, voters are clear on what they want.
Budget & Economy
    Matt Meyer: Increased reserves means we can invest without tax increase.
    Bethany Hall-Long: ARPA funding for housing projects are critical investments.
    Mike Ramone: Hold lawmakers and agencies accountable for their spending.
    Mike Ramone: Make the necessary investments to improve infrastructure.
Civil Rights
    John Carney: Proclaims Pride Month, action plan for LGBTQ+ equality.
    Matt Meyer: LGBT intolerance has no place within our government.
    Matt Meyer: There are workplaces where race is still a major issue.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Important to address all persons' inclusivity and rights.
    Mike Ramone: Only Republican co-sponsor of state same-sex marriage bill.
    Matt Meyer: Address social, economic circumstances that can drive crime.
    Mike Ramone: Ensure police have resources, reduce recidivism rates.
    Matt Meyer: Celebrate impending end to marijuana prohibition in Delaware.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Led efforts to distribute opioid reversal drug Narcan.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Voted for both medical marijuana and decriminalization.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Broke with governor to support marijuana legalization.
    Mike Ramone: Voted for bill stripping penalties for marijuana possession.
    John Carney: Rated C- by NORML: Vetoed cannabis decriminalization.
    Mike Ramone: Rated C- by NORML: don't legalize marijuana .
    Matt Meyer: Would be first teacher to be governor in state's modern era.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Co-chaired the Delaware Early Leaning Advisory Committee.
    Mike Ramone: Ensure teachers have the tools, resources, and classrooms .
    Matt Meyer: Fix our broken and underfunded education system.
Energy & Oil
    Matt Meyer: Bold environmental agenda of expanding renewable energy.
    Mike Ramone: Expand alternative energy research such as solar and nuclear.
    Matt Meyer: Concerned federal government not protecting us against harm.
Families & Children
    Bethany Hall-Long: Led fight for state's paid family and medical leave program.
Foreign Policy
    Matt Meyer: U.S. engagement on the global stage is essential.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Critical to supply people of Ukraine after Russia assault.
Free Trade
    Matt Meyer: International trade supported over 20% of Delaware jobs.
Government Reform
    Mike Ramone: Consolidate state income tax, reduce burdensome regulations.
    Matt Meyer: Bring accountability and transparency to government.
Gun Control
    Bethany Hall-Long: Weapons like the AR-15 have no place in our communities.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Worked with state legislature to pass assault weapons ban.
    Mike Ramone: Opposed bill requiring permit to purchase handguns.
Health Care
    Matt Meyer: Problems with access to quality doctors & equity in outcomes.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Created Delaware's first Behavioral Health Consortium.
    Mike Ramone: Remove regulatory burdens driving up the cost of service.
Homeland Security
    John Carney: Deployed National Guard at home for disabled during COVID.
    Matt Meyer: Eliminate property tax for 100% disabled veterans.
    Mike Ramone: Eliminate the state income tax on veterans benefits.
    Matt Meyer: We will welcome them because refugees make us stronger.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Supports clear path to citizenship for undocumented aliens.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Worked to grow the ranks of women in the STEM field.
    Bethany Hall-Long: A card-carrying union member at University of Delaware.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Stress the need for more diversity in healthcare.
Principles & Values
    John Carney: Our tremendous diversity is part of our great strength.
    Matt Meyer: Lifts order blocking Muslim burial for humanitarian reasons.
    Bethany Hall-Long: To whom much is given, much is expected.
    Mike Ramone: Country has gotten polarized, that's not my world.
Tax Reform
    Matt Meyer: Cut property tax but not enough to cut government services.
    Mike Ramone: Working on a means test for senior property tax credits.

    Click for quotations from other sources by:
  • Bethany Hall-Long Delaware Democratic Challenger
  • John Carney Delaware Democratic candidate for Governor
  • Matt Meyer Delaware Democratic Challenger
  • Mike Ramone Delaware Republican candidate for Governor

The above quotations are from 2024 Delaware Gubernatorial race: debates and news coverage.
DE 2024 debate: Gov. John Carney (D, term-limited);
Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long (D)
vs. Matt Meyer (D)
Past DE gubernatorial races:
2020 Delaware Gubernatorial debate
John Carney(D)
vs.David Lamar Williams(D)
vs.Julianne Murray(R)
Former gubernatorial races:
2016 Delaware Gubernatorial debates:
Bonini(R) vs.Carney(D)

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
Reprinting by permission only.

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Page last edited: Sep 02, 2024