
Rick Snyder on Homeland Security



24/7/365 service to our veterans for benefits

Before we took office, we were ranked 53rd in how we helped our veterans in certain categories. Over the last four years, we've seen an over 20% increase in the average benefits veterans are getting in the state of Michigan, and we are now leading the country with services such as 1-800-MICHVETS, a cutting-edge way we can give 24-7, 365-day service to our veterans. You deserve that, and we're going to keep up supporting our veterans."
Source: State of the State address at 2015 Michigan Inauguration , Jan 20, 2015

There is a cost to sending our military into harm's way

In April of last year, I made a trip to Kuwait and Afghanistan. On that trip, it was one of the most moving trips of my entire life. It was special to see the service that these fine people give our country. One special thing happened: I was on Forward Operating Base, Kunduz, in Afghanistan. It was with the 125th Infantry, a Michigan National Guard Unit. When I arrived they asked me to do a re-enlistment ceremony. So, I had the opportunity to swear people in to re-enlist in the United States Military, in the Michigan National Guard on the Forwarding Operating Base in harm's way.

To give you some perspective, we had well over 1,000 Michiganders serve and come back this year, and there is a cost and we need to understand that. This last year we lost nine service people that were Michiganders. So, I think it is only fitting that we send out thoughts and prayers at anyone in the Armed Services and all their families.

Source: 2013 State of the State Speech to Michigan Legislature , Jan 16, 2013

Other governors on Homeland Security: Rick Snyder on other issues:
MI Gubernatorial:
Abdul El-Sayed
Gretchen Whitmer
Jennifer Granholm
Mark Schauer
MI Senatorial:
Gary Peters
Matt Wiedenhoeft
Terri Lynn Land

Gubernatorial Debates 2018:
AK: Walker(i) vs.Huggins(R) vs.Chenault(R)
AL: Kay Ivey(R) vs.Countryman(D) vs.Lee George(R) vs.Carrington (R) vs.Tommy Battle (R)
AR: Hutchinson(R) vs.West(L)
AZ: Ducey(R) vs.David Garcia (D) vs.Farley(D)
CA: Newsom(D) vs.Chiang(D) vs.Villaraigosa(D) vs.Delaine Eastin (D) vs.David Hadley (R) vs.John Cox (R) vs.Zoltan Istvan (I) vs.Allen(R)
CO: Ed Perlmutter (D) vs.Johnston(D) vs.Mitchell(R) vs.Tancredo(R) vs.Cary Kennedy (D) vs.George Brauchler (R) vs.Doug Robinson (R) vs.Barlock(R) vs.Lynne(R) vs.Polis(D)
CT: Malloy(D) vs.Drew(D) vs.Srinivasan(R) vs.David Walker (R) vs.Lumaj(R) vs.Visconti(R) vs.Lauretti(R)
FL: Gillum(D) vs.Graham(D) vs.Mike Huckabee (R) vs.Putnam(R)
GA: Kemp(R) vs.Casey Cagle(R) vs.Hunter Hill(R) vs.Stacey Abrams(D)
HI: Ige(D) vs.Hanabusa(D)
IA: Kim_Reynolds(R) vs.Leopold(D) vs.Boulton(D) vs.McGuire(D)
ID: Little(R) vs.Fulcher(R) vs.Labrador(R) vs.Ahlquist(R) vs.Minton(D)
IL: Rauner(R) vs.Kennedy(D) vs.Pawar(D) vs.Daniel Biss (D) vs.Pritzker(R)
KS: Brewer(D) vs.Wink Hartman (R) vs.Colyer(C) vs.Kobach(R)
MA: Baker(R) vs.Gonzalez(D) vs.Setti Warren (D) vs.Bob Massie (R)
MD: Hogan(R) vs.Alec Ross (D) vs.Cummings(D) vs.Madaleno(D)
ME: Mayhew(R) vs.Mills(D)
MI: Whitmer(R) vs.El-Sayed(D) vs.Tim Walz (D)
MN: vs.Smith(D) vs.Coleman(D) vs.Murphy(D) vs.Otto(D) vs.Tina Liebling (DFL) vs.Tim Walz (DFL) vs.Matt Dean (R)
NE: Ricketts(R) vs.Krist(I)
NH: Sununu(R) vs.Steve Marchand (D)
NM: Lujan-Grisham(D) vs.Pearce(R) vs.Cervantes(D) vs.Apodaca (D)
NV: Fisher (R) vs.Sisolak(D) vs.Laxalt(R) vs.Schwartz(R)
NY: Cuomo(R) vs.Sharpe(L)
OH: DeWine(R) vs.Sutton(D) vs.Taylor(R) vs.Jim Renacci (R) vs.Connie Pillich (D) vs.Schiavoni(D) vs.Husted(R) vs.Whaley(D)
OK: Gary Richardson (R) vs.Johnson(D)
OR: Brown(D) vs.Scott Inman(D) vs.Buehler(R)
PA: Wolf(D) vs.Wagner(R) vs.Barletta(R)
RI: Raimondo(D) vs.Fung(R) vs.Morgan(R)
SC: McMaster(R) vs.McGill(R) vs.Pope(R) vs.Templeton(R) vs.Smith(D)
SD: Noem(R) vs.Jackley(R) vs.Sutton(D)
TN: Green(R) vs.Dean(D) vs.Black(R)
TX: Abbott(R) vs.Glass(L) vs.White(D)
VT: Scott(R) vs.Stern(D)
WI: Walker(R) vs.Harlow(D) vs.Vinehout(D)
WY: Throne(D) vs.Dahlin(R)
Newly-elected governors (first seated in Jan. 2017):
DE-D: Carney
IN-R: Holcomb
MO-R: Greitens
NH-R: Sununu
NC-D: Cooper
ND-R: Burgum
VT-R: Scott
WV-D: Justice

Retiring 2017-18:
AL-R: Robert Bentley(R)
(term-limited 2018)
CA-D: Jerry Brown
(term-limited 2018)
CO-D: John Hickenlooper
(term-limited 2018)
FL-R: Rick Scott
(term-limited 2018)
GA-R: Nathan Deal
(term-limited 2018)
IA-R: Terry Branstad
(appointed ambassador, 2017)
ID-R: Butch Otter
(retiring 2018)
KS-R: Sam Brownback
(term-limited 2018)
ME-R: Paul LePage
(term-limited 2018)
MI-R: Rick Snyder
(term-limited 2018)
MN-D: Mark Dayton
(retiring 2018)
NM-R: Susana Martinez
(term-limited 2018)
OH-R: John Kasich
(term-limited 2018)
OK-R: Mary Fallin
(term-limited 2018)
SC-R: Nikki Haley
(appointed ambassador, 2017)
SD-R: Dennis Daugaard
(term-limited 2018)
TN-R: Bill Haslam
(term-limited 2018)
WY-R: Matt Mead
(term-limited 2018)
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Page last updated: Feb 17, 2018