
Mike Thurmond on Principles & Values


Desperate need for fundamental change in Washington

At its core, Washington is broken. There is a desperate need for fundamental change in the way the people's business is being conducted in our nation's capital. The American people are literally crying out for principled, common sense leadership.

Even more troubling, 88% of Americans do not trust the federal government. In the Senate I will work to create a smarter, more efficient government focused on solving, not creating problems for the American people.

Source: Campaign website, www.MikeThurmondForUsSenate.com Apr 30, 2010

Supports Hyde Park Declaration of "Third Way" centrism.

Thurmond adopted the manifesto, "A New Politics for a New America":

As New Democrats, we believe in a Third Way that rejects the old left-right debate and affirms America’s basic bargain: opportunity for all, responsibility from all, and community of all.