Background on Principles & Values |
This section cites the candidates’ underlying philosophies, principles for decision-making, and the values that underlie their stances on the issues and their voting records. In practical terms, this section is where the candidates explain their campaign slogans.
Elsewhere in OnTheIssues, we have a policy of quoting strictly issues-based material, omitting the political components of each candidates’ speeches. In this category, we relax the rules substantially so that candidates can explain their political philosophy.
Donald Trump | 77,173,150 | 49.76% | |
Kamala Harris | 74,771,161 | 48.21% | |
Jill Stein (Green) | 830,121 | 0.54% | |
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Independent) | 755,831 | 0.49% | |
Chase Oliver (Libertarian) | 644,587 | 0.42% |
The Demcorats tried to make the 2024 election a referendum on January 6th (and failed, because of the reasons discussed above).
In general, Trump and the Republicans downplay January 6, and the Democrats play up is significance:
2020-2024 Election Principles & Values Issues
Political Diamond
Political philosophy in the US can be better defined based on one's stances in two dimensions, social and economic, rather than the typical one-dimensional right-left axis.
This is most commonly enunciated by candidates in terms like "Socially liberal and fiscally conservative." The combinations of the two-dimensional philosophy are:
The party structure in those philosophical terms is as follows:
2020 nominee: Donald_Trump
2020 nominee: Joe_Biden
2020 nominee: Howie_Hawkins
2020 nominee: Rocky_De_La_Fuente
2020 nominee: Jo_Jorgensen
2020 nominee: Don_Blankenship
“Socialism” is represented by the Socialist Party in the United States, and in numerous countries abroad. The Socialist Party of America runs candidates for president (Brian Moore in 2008, for example), and has numerous elected mayors around the country.
When Pres. Obama is accused of “moving the country toward socialism,” his accusers do not imply that he is secretly a member of the Socialist Party, but do imply that he ascribes to that party’s beliefs.
Those beliefs focus on high progressive taxation; redistribution of wealth; and providing a wide array of social services free of charge.
Most importantly, Socialists propose achieving those goals by revolutionary transformation as opposed to gradual changes, and reject policies like ObamaCare as too gradual.
Obama’s policies are closer to the Socialist Party’s positions than are most Republicans’—but Obama has never advocated revolutionary transformation!
2020 nominee: Gloria La Riva
2016-2020 Election Principles & Values Issues
Separation of church and state
Christian Heritage
Religion Abroad
Emoluments and Impeachment
Mainstream Media
Dog Whistle Politics
2012-2016 Election Principles & Values Issues
"Socialism" is represented by a legal political party in the United States, and in numerous countries abroad. The Socialist Party of America runs candidates for president (Brian Moore in 2008, for example), and has numerous elected mayors around the country. One member of the Senate, Bernie Sanders from Vermont, calls himself a socialist, but is not a member of the Socialist Party. When Pres. Obama is accused of "moving the country toward socialism", his accusers do not imply that he is secretly a member of the Socialist Party, but do imply that he ascribes to that party's beliefs. Those beliefs focus on high progressive taxation; redistribution of wealth; and providing a wide array of social services free of charge.
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