Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
AFSCME union Democratic primary debate in Iowa, May 17, 2003

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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Budget & Economy
Carol Moseley-Braun: Government serves public; don’t “starve the beast”.
Dick Gephardt: 1993 tax increase & sound economics caused budget surplus.
Howard Dean: Republicans haven’t balanced a federal budget in 34 years.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Replace property tax with national payments for schools.
Howard Dean: Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” is an unfunded mandate.
Free Trade
Al Sharpton: Repeal NAFTA and GATT: too business-friendly.
Government Reform
Bob Graham: $40B aid to states to cover unfunded mandates.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Provide federal funding to states to cover unfunded mandates.
Dennis Kucinich: End privatization: it sells government to lowest bidder.
John Edwards: $50B aid to states to avoid municipal layoffs.
Health Care
Al Sharpton: Right to health care, to education, and to vote.
Bob Graham: Rx drug benefit without herding people into HMOs.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Pay for universal care with money already in system.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Replace patchwork system with Medicare-modeled system.
Dennis Kucinich: Private companies charge 18% admin & Medicare charges 3%.
Dick Gephardt: Tax breaks to all companies to cover all employees.
Dick Gephardt: Subsidize 60% of health costs for all employees.
Howard Dean: Bush prescription: take 2 tax cuts and see me in the morning.
Howard Dean: As doctor, knows health system; and knows how to pass plan.
John Edwards: Bush works for big HMOs and big pharma; I stand up for you.
Al Sharpton: Need federal laws to protect workers, not state-by-state.
Al Sharpton: On picket lines & in jails for 35 years for workers rights.
Bob Graham: We pay bonuses in suites & fire workers in basement.
Dennis Kucinich: Enshrine workers’ rights in a workers’ White House.
Dennis Kucinich: Joblessness is a weapon of mass destruction.
Dick Gephardt: Represents hard-working labor union people.
Dick Gephardt: Establish international minimum wage.
Howard Dean: Supports living wage via subsidies for kids & housing.
Principles & Values
Al Sharpton: I want to privatize only one thing: privatize George Bush.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Fight the greedy and help the needy.
Howard Dean: Democrats are as angry at Dems as at GOP.
Howard Dean: Rule by hope instead of rule by fear.
John Edwards: Fight for values of people and workers over privilege.
John Edwards: Fight for values of people and workers over privilege.
Social Security
Dennis Kucinich: Stop privatization and return retirement age to 65.
Tax Reform
Al Sharpton: Bush tax cuts make us victims of a war of mass distraction.
Al Sharpton: Bush isn’t cutting taxes, he’s shifting taxes.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Roll back the tax cut to create peace and prosperity.
Howard Dean: Bush’s tax cuts made $10,000 debt for every child.
Al Sharpton: $250 billion infrastructure-redevelopment plan.
Howard Dean: Invest in rural broadband to replace lost farm jobs.
War & Peace
Bob Graham: Iraq was a distraction from the war on terror.
The above quotations are from AFSCME union Democratic primary debate in Iowa, May 17, 2003.
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