Arvin Vohra on Immigration
Libertarian candidate for President; Libertarian Party Vice-Chair
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
Q: What about a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens?A: Support. I support open borders, and absolutely no welfare. Those who come to America to work should be welcome. Welfare parasites should go elsewhere. Eliminating all welfare, including
government schools, is far more effective at keeping out parasites than any wall. Ending the welfare state will also attract job creators to America. If elected, I will sponsor legislation to eliminate all welfare and all restrictions on immigration.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Senate candidate
, Mar 30, 2018
End restrictions on immigration; open our borders
When we open our borders and end social welfare, we attract productive human capital. We invite people with skills, dedication, and ingenuity to cross our borders, build businesses, hire employees, and most importantly, to spend their money in our
economy. We can invite skilled workers to come here, and spend their money at American businesses, thereby boosting our economy. The more money spent at American businesses, the more growth we have, and that includes an increase in jobs.
Source: 2018 Maryland Senate campaign website VoteVohra.com
, Dec 12, 2017
Page last updated: Sep 02, 2020